雅思通关攻略48 口语7分so easy

2021-07-26 15:37:41 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
在学习雅思的过程当中,口语标准依然很重要,但我们要学高效词汇对我们的口语有效加升,所以今天朗阁小编整理雅思通关攻略48 ︱口语7分so easy ! (二) 分享给大家!

在学习雅思的过程当中,口语标准依然很重要,但我们要学高效词汇对我们的口语有效加升,所以今天朗阁小编整理雅思通关攻略48 ︱口语7分so easy ! (二) 分享给大家!


雅思通关攻略48 ︱口语7分so easy :Describe an animal that can be found in your country You should say

What type of animal is Where it can be found Whether you have seen it?

What other people think of this animal?

So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of what type of animal it is and the one I’d pick is thegiant panda. Actually there are two types of panda, the lesser or red panda and the commonly know giant panda which is the national symbol of China.

Now concentrating the matter of where it can be found, and I ought to stress here is that because it is an endangered species it lives mostly in protected nature reserves in Western China although it is also possible to see them in zoos around the world.

Moving onto the business of whether I have seen it, I suppose I should underline the fact that I visited the Panda Sanctuary in Chengdu 2 years ago while I was traveling in Sichuan Province. It was actually a one-day tour of the pandas’ habitat which included lectures from conservation experts.

As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the point of what other people think of this animal. I guess that most Chinese people feel some sense of patriotism towards the giant panda because it is recognized globally the archetypal Chinese animal.

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