
2021-07-26 15:47:11 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
在学习雅思的过程当中,口语标准依然很重要,但我们要学高效词汇对我们的口语有效加升,所以今天朗阁小编整理雅雅思通关攻略46 ︱口语应试技巧(二)分享给大家!

在学习雅思的过程当中,口语标准依然很重要,但我们要学高效词汇对我们的口语有效加升,所以今天朗阁小编整理雅雅思通关攻略46 ︱口语应试技巧分享给大家!


雅思通关攻略46 ︱口语应试技巧:Describe your childhood home You should say:

What type of house/flat it was Where it was located?

Regarding the theme of where was located, and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that it was set in lush fields near a range of mountains near the border with Sichuan Province. Actually it was quite isolated --- the nearest town was about 10 km away and the roads were quite bumpy.

Moving forward at I likedonto the area of wh about it, I would like to explain that although I don’t remember too much about it, the things that have always stayed in my minds are the thatched roof which made it nice and cool in the hot summer months and the communal courtyard  that  we shared with our neighbors.

Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last question of whether I still live in this house and as I’ve already I was born in this house but I moved out when I was about 5 years old.





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