
2021-07-26 15:53:23 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
《口语实战》作者认为卡片的提示语只是为了对考生有所帮助,提示语并不是必须要回答的 问题.而网站作者认为卡片提示语是必须要回答的问题.当然,两位都同意,考生还可 以添加提示语之外的内容.这两种观点,我个人倾向《口语实战》,但是为*险起见,我们在练习时,就应当先回答提示语的内容.

《口语 实战》 作者 认为 卡片 的 提示 语 只是 为了 对 考生 有所 帮助, 提示 语 并不是 必须 要 回答 的 问题. 而 网站 作者 认为 卡片 提示 语 语 必须 必须 回答 回答 的 问题. 当然, 两位  都 同意,考生 还可 以 添加 提示 语 之外 的 内容. 这 两种 观点, 我 个人 倾向 , 但是 为 *险 起见, 我们 在 练习 雅思口语实战练习, 就 应当 先 回答 提示 语 的 内容.


雅思口语实战练习:Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say:

Who the person is… Why he / she is famous?

Why would you like to meet this celebrity?

What would you like to do if you met this person?

I guess I could begin by saying something about who this person is, and I think I would have to choose the superstar Jackie Chan (成龙) from Hong Kong.

Going to my next point which is why he is famous, I really need to add that he is a world-renowned martial arts film star as well as being a successful director. In fact he was probably the first Chinese actor to achieve blockbuster success in Hollywood.

And now with reference to why I would like to meet this celebrity, the point I want to make here is that I have always been a big fan of martial arts movies, so if I had the chance to meet one of my childhood idols, it would be a dream come true.

And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of what I would like to do if I met him, really I should mention that I would probably ask him to teach me a few special Kung Fu tricks and I would possibly invite him out for dinner at a classy restaurant or something like that.

* 问 导 语

Ok then, I guess I could start off by answering who the person is Alright then, in response to the first question of who the person is So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of who the person is ...

Ok, I'll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is Right then, I'd like to get cracking by point out who the person is ...

So I suppose I should comment with the first aspect which is who the person is So, to start with I’ll talk about who the person is ...





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