托福写作的素材学习:远程工作remote working的利弊(科技&工作话题)

2021-07-27 11:11:44 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



Do you agree or disagree with the statement: 

Working at home using computers and telephone is better than working in the office.


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Nowadays, coronavirus is forcing office workers to stay at home and adopt a range of online remote-working tools for the first time. 

Distributed teams have been hailed as a solution to an economic downturn, by reducing rents. Big cities’ eye-watering living costs is the main reason driving the remote working trend. Renting a one-bedroom flat in San Francisco costs $4,000 a month. No wonder software engineers on six-figure salaries are still living in house shares.

Considering the size of student loans and the cost of rent in cities with big job markets such as London, New York and San Francisco, increasing graduates adore jobs which allow them to live somewhere else and cut out long commuting times while still earning a good salary.

Mixing work and free time runs the danger of never quite powering down or shutting off, and can lead to burnout and depression from feeling like we are always on and available. 

Friends and family miss out on the time we would spend with them if we worked in an office instead of at home. Make sure to enforce boundaries. (183字)



一. 开头背景
Nowadays, coronavirus is forcing office workers to stay at home and adopt a range of online remote-working tools for the first time. 


二. 好处:

1. 减少员工的租房负担

2. 企业可以不限制地区限制从全球招聘*人才...

Distributed teams have been hailed as a solution to an economic downturn, by reducing rents. Big cities’ eye-watering(心痛的) living costs is the main reason driving the remote working trend. Renting a one-bedroom flat in San Francisco costs $4,000 a month. No wonder software engineers on six-figure salaries are still living in house shares.

分布式团队(这里指因为都在家远程办公,所以团队都被分散了) 被誉为可以通过降低租金应对经济低迷。大城市的惊人的生活成本推动远程办公趋势的。在加州,一套只有一间卧室的公寓每月租金达4000美元。难怪拿着六位数薪水的软件工程师仍然住在合租房里。

①hail. v. ~ as. 被称颂为... 

②a solution to ... 是..的解决办法

③economic downturn 经济衰退

④flat. n. 公寓

--a service flat酒店式公寓;a block of flats 公寓楼

⑤six-figure salaries 6位数薪水

~ salary. n.可数名词

⑥ live in house  shares. 合租

Considering the size of student loans and the cost of rent in cities with big job markets such as London, New York and San Francisco, increasing graduates adore jobs which allow them to live somewhere else and cut out long commuting times while still earning a good salary.


⑦ the size of .... 量度;数量;程度的大小,多少

--the size of the cheque 支票的数额

三. 坏处

1. 不利于休息

2. 影响跟家人朋友相处

Mixing work and free time runs the danger of never quite powering down or shutting off, and can lead to burnout and depression from feeling like we are always on and available. 


⑧run the danger of 冒着..的危险

⑨power down 关掉 ~ device, computer, machine

⑩ burnout. n. 精疲力尽

Friends and family miss out on the time we would spend with them if we worked in an office instead of at home. (比如原本在家就是陪伴家人的,结果还要完成工作。)


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