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The Asian economic miracle has lifted millions out of poverty, but at terrible cost. Deforestation and foul water are just two of the insults to nature resulting from breathless expansion. Many blame economic growth, and the market forces and corporations that drive it, for this. However, markets and greenery can go together.
The first factor is regulation, including phasing out all perverse subsidies, and introducing muscular regulation that uses a mix of incentives and punishment to encourage green growth. Richer countries have cleaned up using policies such as emissions standards and road-congestion pricing.
The second element is the private sector. Leading businesses now are going well beyond regulatory requirements, showing that sustainable business practices can be profitable.
CLP Holdings, one of Asia’s largest energy companies, are a good example. It owns mostly coal plants, making it one of the biggest polluters on the planet. A decade ago, sensing growing public concern and anticipating future regulation of carbon, they took some radical decisions. The company vows to slash the carbon intensity of its power-generating businesses by more than three-quarters by 2050. By 2013 it was the biggest foreign investor in clean energy in China, and the biggest windpower developer in India. (200字)
亚洲的经济奇迹使数百万人脱离了贫困,但也付出了沉重的代价。*扩张导致了多种亵渎大自然的行为,其中包括滥砍滥伐和水体污染。亚洲是全球 变暖的*主要推动者之一. 许多人把这一问题归昝于经济增长,以及推动增长的市场力量和企业。然而,市场和环*能够齐头并进。
The Asian economic miracle has lifted millions out of poverty, but at terrible cost. Deforestation and foul water are just two of the insults to nature resulting from breathless expansion. Asia is one of the biggest contributors toglobal warming. Many blame economic growth, and the market forces and corporations that drive it, for this. However, markets and greenery can go together.
二. 2个具体的原因:
*个因素是监管, 包括要逐步淘汰所有不合理的补贴,还要引入有力的监管,用奖惩结合的方式鼓励绿色增长。富裕国家已经实施排放标准以及道路拥挤收费等政策来治理环境。
The first factor is regulation, including phasing out all perverse subsidies, and introducing muscular regulation that uses a mix of incentives and punishment to encourage green growth. Richer countries have cleaned up using policies such as emissions standards and road-congestion pricing.
8. phase out: 逐步废除
--phase. v. 分阶段进行
9. perverse subsidies: 不合理的补贴
--perverse. adj. 任性的;不合常理的
--subsidy. n. 补贴
10. introduce muscular regulation: 推行/引入有力的监管
The second element is the private sector. Leading businesses now are going well beyond regulatory requirements, showing that sustainable business practices can be profitable.
CLP Holdings, one of Asia’s largest energy companies, are a good example. It owns mostly coal plants, making it one of the biggest polluters on the planet. A decade ago, sensing growing public concern and anticipating future regulation of carbon, they took some radical decisions. The company vows to slash the carbon intensity of its power-generating businesses by more than three-quarters by 2050. By 2013 it was the biggest foreign investor in clean energy in China, and the biggest windpower developer in India.
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