
2021-07-27 13:52:01 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
老师在《金融时报·FT中文网》上看到了一篇有意思的相关报道《It is open season for advice to theyoung—but who benefits?》 给年轻人的建议到底对谁有益?

老师在《金融时报·FT中文网》上看到了一篇有意思的相关报道《It is open season for advice to theyoung—but who benefits?》 给年轻人的建议到底对谁有益? 

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1. 虽然大部分建议是善意的,但很多已经落伍。

2. 有些建议只是为了满足给建议人自己的虚荣心。

(一) 素材精读

(1). 关于职场和考试的建议大部分是善意的,(因为)知道年轻人确实很难搞清楚如何顺利度过职业生涯的开端。

Career and exam advice is mostly well-meaning, in recognition that it’s hard for young people to know how to navigate the start of a career.

(2). 但是,这种建议的问题是:很多已经落伍了。

因为教育和工作的*在变化。当你向一个年龄只有你一半的人讲述你职业生涯中的高光时刻,描述你从报纸-《卫报》(The Guardian)上的一则广告中获得*份工作时,你会看到他们满脸写着困惑,然后去谷歌(Google)上搜索“分类招聘广告”。(这里举例凸显建议的落伍。现代的年轻人早已习惯使用Google网络,而不知道报纸为何物了.)

The world of education and work changes. When you recount your professional greatest hits to someone half your age, describing scoring your first job from an ad in the Guardian, you’ll see bafflement across their face before they Google “classified job ads”.


1. recount. v.讲述

例句:He was fond of recounting how he had played professional football when he was 19.


2. hit. n. 非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事)

例句:They have just released an album of their greatest hits (= their most successful songs).


(3). 还有很多“人生导师”会主动给大家*一些不请自来的建议unsolicited advice. 然后强加给正在找工作或者刚刚卖出职场*步的毕业生身上。

These pearls(指建议) are thrust on to graduates hunting for jobs or taking their first steps on the career ladder.

(4). 这种建议的问题是: 并不是真心有用的建议。


Much advice-giving is fuelled by the desire for an ego boost. You see yourself transformed into a great sage, with expertise and knowledge to impart. No one needs to know that you are winging it, making up your career as you go.

3. thrust sth on/upon sb  强迫(某人)接受;应对

例句:Fatherhood had been thrust on him. 他身不由己当了父亲。

4. fuel. v. 练习;激起

例句:The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.

5. desire. n.-欲望;渴望;愿望

例句:There is a strong desire for peace among the people.


6. wing it . 即兴发言

例句:I did not have time to prepare for the talk, so I just had to wing it.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 

Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends in your same age.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 

The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.



Which one is the most important for teacher of high school? (students aged 15 to 18)

-Ability to give advice about planning for future.

-Ability to recognize students that need help.

-Ability to encourage students learns outside the classroom by themselves.

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