托福线下考情分析| 环境类小题

2021-07-28 09:53:36 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1. 环境类小话题. 这种题目分析的角度很常规,所以找分论点不难。难在展开细节的举例. 2. “even though they are more expensive”—表明清洁能源的费用更贵一些。可以从,价格角度分析: ①给使用者: 个人/公司/工厂造成额外的经济负担. ;②这样也会促使人们节约用能源. 不要浪费. 3. "energy that create pollution":环境角度. 会导致污染的能源的坏处: ③大量使用,会导致空气,水等污染。比如,导致城市雾霾严重, 很多人患上lun


阅读: 给了三种储存太阳能的方法 

1batteries 说这个变得affordable了 


3international grids  如果在南半球 less sunlight的时候 北半球有太阳能,北半球的太阳能可以通过这个传给南半球的地方


1太阳能储存在电池里的过程complex 价格也还是比较贵 

2 (我有点忘了哈哈哈哈哈 )

3是说要耗费很多时间去建立 还有涉及到比较多的国家

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Society should use clean resources of energy (like solar energy......)energy than energy that create pollution even though they are more expensive. What is your opinion?


1. 环境类小话题. 这种题目分析的角度很常规,所以找分论点不难。难在展开细节的举例.

2.  “even though they are more expensive”—表明清洁能源的费用更贵一些。可以从,价格角度分析: ①给使用者: 个人/公司/工厂造成额外的经济负担. ;②这样也会促使人们节约用能源. 不要浪费.

3. "energy that create pollution":环境角度. 会导致污染的能源的坏处:  ③大量使用,会导致空气,水等污染。比如,导致城市雾霾严重, 很多人患上lung cancer,asthma.



总观点:I agree with the statement.

中间段1:Admittedly, using clean energy may impose an financial burden on people. …. However, the only drawback can easily be cancelled out by the benefits the policy brings about.

中间段2:The most important merit of clean energy is that it will not harm our human. It is well known that the burning of traditional sources like coal and petrol, emits a large amount of toxic smoke. The city smog used to haunting Beijing, the capital of China which was once surrounded by heavy industries, was a good case in point. Because of the terrible and unbearable air especially in winter, the number of people suffering from lung cancer and asthma was surging to a record high at 2010. Fortunately, the government pledged to improve the environment by urging local factories and every household to turn to solar energy or hydropower. Nowadays, … 

中间段3:High as the high price of clean energy is, on the hand other, it drives people to cut down on energy consumption. … 

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