01 *套
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Some people prefer to see movies based on true facts and events, rather than completely fictional movies about imaginary people and places. one reason for this preference is that movies based on actual events allow viewers to learn from other people’s real-life experiences. do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? why?
--*句话是背景:很多人喜欢看基于现实的电影,比如The Devil Wears Prada 时尚女魔头 ; Green Book 绿皮书; 1917; On the Basis of Sex 性别为本; Good Will Hunting心灵捕手;Little Women小妇人 ..,而不是看完全编造想象出来的电影,比如Hurry Potter; Batman; Gongfu Panda;
3. 总观点选择:
不同意。没有人会把这个当做去看电影的理由。 人们无法从这种电影*习。
中间段2:*个原因是,即使是基于真实事件,这种电影也无法展示故事的全部信息,使得里面的道理无法适用于现实生活。--虽然很多电影都改编自真实的历史人物和*的事件,比如..., 但是因为电影时长的限制,导演都只选择了他们认为重要的信息,使得电影人物的成功显得那么的容易和简单。就比如Andy in The devil wears Prada。.... 如果一个观众...以电影主角为榜样的话,就会发现....所以,....
02 第二套
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) include video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and waste time. What's your opinion?
03 第三套
University tuition in the United States more than doubled over the 20 years between 1990 and 2010. Tuition increases have caused students to take out more loans(debt) to be able to afford university education. Some people argue that the universities should not be able to increase tuition costs so much because it puts a burden on students when they have to pay off the loans. In your view, should universities be able to increase tuition as much as they wish, or should there be limits on tuition increases? Why
中间段1:有限度的涨学费会给减轻学生的负担。很多大学生都是依靠大学贷款来支付学费。如果放任大学随意涨学费,就会导致学生在大学毕业后只能非常努力工作,,..... 来偿还贷款。 结果太累而身心疲惫。(写作团day11范文素材)
中间段2:有限度涨学费对大学也有帮助。如果学费涨得过快(写作团day2素材),就会使得很多有雄心壮志的年轻人只能申请就业有前景的专业,比如医生,律师等而放弃....。这样毕业之后才能有足够的收入来偿还学费。这样就导致.... 。这对大学的*研究是一个极大的损失。
04 第三套
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.
中间段1:Those activities can help people relax both mentally and physically.因为能比较容易地帮助人们忘掉工作中的烦恼。
中间段2: 与工作不同的兴趣爱好也能帮助人们获得一些有益于工作的灵感。能帮助他们think out of the box.
中间段3:Admittedly, activities similar to people’s jobs contribute to people’s work by honing their professional skills and expanding horizons. ..... However, 这个过程中如果遇到了 麻烦和困难,无疑会更加加重人们对工作的焦虑和担忧。