
2021-07-29 07:12:53 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
First, limiting the time students spend on technological devices contributes to their well-rounded growth. 因为如果不限制使用电子设备的时间,学生可能就一直坐在课桌前,面对屏幕...这样不利于他们身心健康。

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 

Because the use of technology such as computers in classrooms for young students (age 6-12) has led to many improvements in learning, some people believe that there should be no limits on the number of hours that young students spend using technology during school day. Others believe that too much time spent using technology during school day is harmful and that their use of technology should therefore be limited to one hour or less daily. Which view do you support and why.





让步段:Admittedly,free access to technological devices facilitates students learning to some extent. Once they have confusion about tricky math problems or the history of their country, they can immediately login Google or Wikipedia to find out detailed explanation. However, this kind of freedom brings more drawbacks to students aged from 12 to 16, so it should not be granted to students.

分论点1:First, limiting the time students spend on technological devices contributes to their well-rounded growth. 因为如果不限制使用电子设备的时间,学生可能就一直坐在课桌前,面对屏幕...这样不利于他们身心健康。 

分论点2:Besides, such a policy also helps to build students’ social abilities. *用电子设备的时间,*们就会跟其他同学们聊天,而不是一个人盯着屏幕. 




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 

Some children prefer to socialize (get together and have fun) after school with very little involvement from parents or teachers, for example, they enjoy games or activities that they can organize and play safely without help from adults; Other children prefer to socialize after school by joining groups or participating in programs organized and monitored by adults. Which way of socializing after school do you think is most helpful for children development? Why?




中间段1:Without adults’ involvement, children can truly tap/develop their hidden potential.–因为有老师和父母一般都prefer/desire选择组织一些对*学业,智力发展等的活动。但并不是所有*都喜欢这种活动,比如…. 所以也无法发掘*们的潜力。但是,如果*们自己可以自由安排活动,他们可能会组织一些漫画社,戏剧社,说唱社…等等,这些真正兴趣的活动,然后…


中间段2: children can unwind better by participating activities by themselves. –因为没有父母和老师的monitor/supervise, 他们可以不用下课后立马跑向活动室以*准时参加,他们也不用但是是否自己的表现达到了老师的要求,…. 所以,他们可以…


中间段3:Admittedly, 没有成年人的监督的活动可能会出一些意外,比如受伤… However…

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