线下托福考试真题分析:1.16日 | 如何短时间了解一个城市?

2021-08-02 18:57:17 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
题目回忆: 如果去一个新的地方旅行很短的时间 你会选择什么方式去了解这个城市; help you know the city in a short period of time 1:visiting historic sites 2: going to shops and markets 3: eating in restaurants and stay in cafes


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1. 很短的时间旅游。 可能也就2~3天时间。所以可以从 效率-这个角度去分析题目中*的3个选项哪一个更快了解一个城市。

2. 去了解这个城市:我们所分析的内容都要*终扣住这个目的。所以不能写 sit in a cafe可以交朋友。除非继续写到可以从聊天中更了解这个城市。


3. 三个选项的分析:

—eat at restaurant and sit in a cafe: 

1. 可以近距离的观察当地的生活:穿着;饮食习惯;社交礼仪等。2. 还可以跟当地人聊天,从交流中了解这个城市。 


— visit a historical site:

1. 可以更形象生动地了解一个城市的历史和人们*主要的核心品质。比如紫禁城;比如长城;比如卢浮宫;比如自由女神。2. 更加高效地获得很多信息。  


—go to shop: 



4. 文章结构:

针对这种每个选项都能写出很多内容的三选一,我们可以采取1-1-1的结构 或者2-1 的结构。 


总观点:The second choice appeals to me most.

分论点1:I can get the largest amount of information about the city by visiting a historical site.—First, those historical sites,such as the Great Wall in Beijing and the Status of Liberty in New York, usually symbolize a city’s core values.  For example, it was not until climbing the Great Wall in Beijing that I truly realized how persistent and hardworking Chinese people are for the Wall unbelievably stands for thousands of years… —Besides, it is not hard for me to find locals(本地人) at those historical sites to give me future information. 

分论点2:Eating at a restaurant is a less efficient way.— Admittedly, we can easily have a glimpse of local people’s lifestyle by observing them in a well-known restaurant, such as their dress code, social etiquette, eating habits and so on. —However, as the whole world becomes increasingly similar and modern, this kind of information can only be gained through big festival and events, and it is hard for us just staying for two or three days to, fortunately, come across. 

分论点3:The limited information obtained from shops prevents us to have a full understanding of a city. —No matter it is a small Seven-Eleven standing around a street corner or big shopping malls like Lafayette catering for the wealth, they can inform us of the most trending fashion in a city nowadays. However,  knowing what happening now is far from enough. 

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