1.30日托福线下考情分析(含综合)| 比较难的团队题目

2021-08-02 19:16:35 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
审题分析 1. 托福考了很多次选leader, 今天换过来了,选择队友。 大家可以结合在团队合作中需要做的事,再分析需要怎样的队友来配合。 Eg: 团队要一起讨论制定*,devise a feasible plan, 分配任务,执行,相互配合彼此的任务… 2. work on a project: 结合自己背诵过的例子: 工作:推销一款产品,比如手机;制定市场*策略;推销advertising (写作团day6素材) 学校:做一个科学课的presentation;去帮助当地社区的*学

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在school or work,做一个work on a project, if you are a leader需要选择3~4名队友,你觉得哪个品质*重要?

A. honesty

B. the ability to get along well with others



1. 托福考了很多次选leader, 今天换过来了,选择队友。 


 Eg: 团队要一起讨论制定*,devise a feasible plan, 分配任务,执行,相互配合彼此的任务…

2. work on a project: 结合自己背诵过的例子:

工作:推销一款产品,比如手机;制定市场*策略;推销advertising (写作团day6素材)




3. 三选一:注意结构安排

4. 各个选项的分析:





The ability to get along well with others:与别人相处得好的/和谐,友好的关系的能力

--不会轻易争吵,拖延小组的日程,和影响小组的士气undermine morale


The ability to communicate clearly:清晰地沟通能力: 表达自己的想法




总观点:I prefer an honest teammate.

中间段1:Only when a teammate is honest about his opinion about the project can the team improve. Much as we all like differences for they can spark in-depth discussions, giving birth to better ideas(写作团day8素材), more often than not, teammates try their best to avoid debates and hide their dissatisfaction, afraid of hurting others’ feeling. It is bad for the team because if the flows are not revealed, the whole team cannot be improved upon. However, an honesty teammate would not be bothered by such a problem.... 

中间段2: I can only trust an honest people with essential assignments. Sometimes, teammates, in order to win others’ trust, will boast of their own ability. For example, a programmer may brag about his ability to write flawless code overnight; …. When I find out the truth several hours before the deadline, it would be too late. By contrast, things will be different if the teammate is honest. 

中间段3:Admittedly, the other two alternatives also serve the team well. …However, nothing can compare with the benefits that honesty brings.

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