
2021-08-04 16:52:26 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




  Commercials (电视插播的)商业广告

  Pre-roll ads (视频前的)预播广告

  Pop-up ads 弹出式广告

  Public service ads 公益广告

  Outdoor billboards 户外广告牌

  Transit advertising 公交广告

  Flyers and leaflets 广告传单


  There are many kinds of advertisements that I inevitably watch every day, liSDke TV DWDmercials inserted in a reality show, pre-roll ads that I have to watch before a video and public service ads when I'm taking subway.



  haunt 困扰


  Nowadays, we're bombarded with advertisements no matter where we are. There are outdoor billboards when we're driving on the highway, people handing out flyers and leaflet to us when we're walking on the street. On the internet, ads can be shown to us in any conceivable way. So, I guess the right question should be: where can we not be haunted by ads?


  Repetitive 重复的

  deliberate 故意的

  intriguing 有趣的


  雅思Normally, I don't like advertisements; I find them boring and repetitive. So, instead of watching the whole thing, I deliberately focus my attention elsewhere when an ad is being played. Only occasionally do I find certain ads intriguing and that are worth my time.




  Drawbacks of ads:

  Misleads consumers 误导消费者

  Raises the cost of products and services 练习高成本Manipulates people to spend outside of their purchasing allowance 控制人们超出预支思路导航



  Well, I can hardly remember a time I was swayed by an ad. I think most of the ads are trying to mislead consumers. They present a very rosy picture of their products with the object of increasing their sales. In reality, their item is of inferior quality. Besides, ads raise the cost of products and services that are heavily promoted on the media. I know that I will spend more than I'm supposed on such goods or services. What's more, businesses try to manipulates us to spend outside of their purchasing allowance by promoting a certain lifestyle in an ad. For example, they always try to link a luxury brand to success making consumers feel that they have to buy it to be seen as being highly successful. Such goods cost more than ordinary people can afford.



  1)      What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

  I often watch the advertisements on instagram and youtube where I watch some for clothing and makeup. Big data has helped digital marketers to carry targeted advertisements.

  2)      Where can you see advertisements?

  Advertising is here, there and everywhere. I can see advertisements in different types such as flyers and banners on the streets or printed ones on magazines, newspaper or online advertisements on social media.

  3)      Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

  Yes, sure. Off the top of my head, I can think of a gopro camera that I saw online last year. I looked up some reviews and then bought it, but I wouldn't have known about it if it weren't for the ad.

  4)      Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

  I rarely watch an ad from the beginning to the end, unless it's the product that my favorite idol stands for, or the story of the advertisement is very interesting. I usually skip this advertisement after reading the product introduction.





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