
2021-08-04 16:56:48 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



  1. Do yoxu have mucsh furniture in your home?

  Usessful Phrases:

  well-furnsssshed / well-equipped已家装好的

  furnishings 家具

  cozy 舒适的

  stinky 发臭的

  messy 凌乱的

  wardrobe 衣柜

  bother to do sth. 烦做某事

  Sample answer:

  Definitely. I mean, I don't wanna bother to purchase and decorate furniture in my home so my home is well-furnished in advance. It's got all sorts of furnishings I need, from a cozy sofa to a huge walk-in wardrobe.

  2.雅思 What kind of furniture would you like to have for your home?

  Useful Phrases:

  beanbag sofa 豆袋沙发

  lazy sofa / pleasant sofa 懒人沙发

  be full of 充满

  memory foam 记忆棉

  fit like a glove 完全相合

  Sample answer:


  I really want to have a single beanbag sofa. We usually call it as lazy sofa or pleasant sofa. It's a quite common and popular sofa which you can easily get one from any furniture stores like IKEA. The sofa is full of memory foam and can shape itself well to fit the one sitting in it like a glove. So I can imagine how comfortable it is. Once you sit in it, you can't stand up any more.

  3. 雅思What's your favourite piece of furniture in your home?

  Useful Phrases:

  whenever 无论何时

  stay in bed 呆在床上

  foam mattress 记忆床垫

  firm and soft support 软硬适中

  get relief 得到缓解

  sore body 酸痛的身体

  Sample answer:

  To me, it must be my bed. Whenever I'm at home, I stay in bed. My mum bought me a foam mattress. It's perfect balance of firm and soft support. I got relief when I lie on it after a hard-working day. It cures my sore body and guarantees a good sleep. So I could always look decent and energetic to face my work.

  4. 雅思Has anyone ever sent you furniture?

  Useful Phrases:

  home party 居家派对

  pair with… 与…配对

  inspire sb. to do sth. 激发某人做某事

  enjoy comfort 享受舒适

  free time 空闲时间

  use for 用于…





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