1. 老人及老龄化现象
从雅思开始至今,似乎一直没有缺少对老年人(ageing population、the old、the aged、senior citizen)的关心;各种关于老年人的考题比比皆是,其中以人口老龄化现象*为代表,要求考生阐述持续攀升的老龄化现象的原因以及对社会和个人造成的影响。也会结合社会时事的考题,如现代手机的普遍使用并未在老年人群中常见,该如何作为;也有关于退休时间以及养老方式等的选择。正因为如此,考生更要好好准备相关考题,因为这个话题中的考题是可以事先轻松预备好的,而且出题的方式也几乎可以确定了。
1)关于人口老龄化现象population ageing, 首先要熟悉一个数据:By
2)此外,关于养老的问题也随着老龄化现象被提上了议程。雅思曾经考过一道关于是否该由自己为退休后的养老存钱save money for their own care after they retire还是要依靠政府或子女rely on the government。因为对于老年人来说,退休后他们没有经济收入have no access to any source of income, 而另一方面医疗等方面的开支却又会是十分巨大their expense would culminate into quite a formidable figure, 所以说政府和子女就必须要扮演好照顾的角色。对于子女而言,孝敬老人是他们应该履行的义务和责任they are expected to share the burden as a means of paying their due filial piety. 对于政府而言,毕竟老年人退休前为社会做出过巨大贡献make immense contribution to society before retiring, 因此政府在他们退休后承担起照顾的责任也是合情合理it is quite reasonable。
Ø 推荐练习真题:
1) In modern society, it has been observed in some countries that there is a lack of sufficient respect to the old. Discuss the reasons why this has occurred and the effects it might have on our society.
2) Some people think that people should save up for their life after retirement. To what extent do you agree or disagree and why?
3) In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on society?
2. 农村与城市
伊索寓言Aesop''s famous stories中有个小故事a simple tale反应的就是城乡差距,介绍两只分别居住在城市与农村的老鼠。其实自古以来城乡差距就是任何一个社会共通的问题,城市的繁华prosperity、发达superior对比农村的落后静寂quiet;城市先进的医疗、教育水平advanced却怎么也惠及不到农村的男女老少;当然,与此同时,农村的清新空气与世无争也是再繁华的城市所无法追求的梦想dreams that will never come true。
1)讨论到城市的好处与优势时,便利性convenience与灵活性flexibility是逃脱不了的people there are surrounded by the speed and convenience of urban life。各种四通发达的交通工具transportation tools能带你轻松去向任何角落,包括有public bus, taxi, even subway。当然大城市的生活除了交通出行之外,购物与娱乐也是十分方便的,因为有各种购物场所venues like shopping centers, shopping malls and so on with its numerous shops, multi-screen cinemas, fast food outlets and entertainment complexes。
2)而对于农村的生活,也许首先能想到的是它的劣势disadvantages。比如说poor transport, a lack of access to hospitals and education, and a scarcity of services such as banks and entertainment。但是,现代社会上的农村其实也有了长远的进步,不止生活质量*了,各种设施如exercise equipment也变得common了。Also, the internet and other mass media have linked country areas to the world, providing access to information even to remote areas;不仅如此,还掌握着城市人*为羡慕的清洁环境和慢节奏blue sky and slower pace.
Ø 推荐练习真题:
1) Modern cities have good condition about education and medical affairs. It is suggested that all new teachers and doctors be sent to rural areas to improve the situation there. Some people think it is unfair. What is your opinion?
2) There is a gap of living in cities and countryside. What are the reasons in your country and how can reduce the diffe