
2019-03-27 01:31:34 来源:网络 作者:zhengshan




  题目:  Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  You should write at least 250 words.

  范文:Everybody has to work. The question is: which is more important in work, the job security or the job satisfaction? Some people think the job security is more important than job satisfaction, but others believe the opposite. In my view, both job security and satisfaction are important.

  We all need a secure job. If we have a stable job, we can make a lot of money. Then we can buy big houses and expensive cars, and can travel all around the world. This will make our life more wonderful. If we have a stable job, we will not have to worry about losing our job. So we do not have to spend time looking for jobs. This means we can have more time to stay together with our family.

  However, it is also important to have an interesting job. If we have an interesting job, we can do our job well. Then we can get happiness from our job. If we are not interested in what we do, we can never succeed no matter how stable our job is. My uncle James is a good example. He is a middle school teacher, which is a very stable job. However, he is not really interested in teaching. As a result, he is not very successful even at his fifties.

  In conclusion, I think it is the best that we have a secure and satisfying job, because this kind of job helps us to make our living and have time to stay together with our family, and at the same time succeed in our career. I wish everybody could get such a job. (271 words)




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