
2022-02-12 10:30:02 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


一般情况下,托福独立口语一类问题是自由回答间题(Free-choice Response),如:If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Use details to support your. response;另一类是选择类问题(Paired-choice Response),如:Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? Use details and examples to support your response,准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。

这部分问题会被朗读出来,且同时出现在屏幕上。考生可以不用理会电脑的朗读,*阅读完问题。这样可以争取大概5秒,那么在这大约20秒内,考生可在草稿纸上*记下自己所要表达的关键信息。这里记笔记的方法为“TST表格”。TST ( Topic-Supporting ideas--Transitions)意思是考生须在草稿纸上用一到两个词写下欲表达的Topic(主题),Supporting ideas(分论点)和Transitions(信号词)。下面试举一例:

Question: Where would you want to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support your response.

考生应*在纸上写下“own bus...”、“master”、“work com...”、“start”等信息见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格。

Topic statement:

own bus... (I would like to own my own business) Supporting ideas:

( How I will work toward owning my business)

master (Will get master's in business )

work com... (Will work in company while planning my business)

start (Will start my own business when I am ready)

Transitions: 10 next because 3 within 10 y (可用y代替 years)

Sample Answer

In ten years I would like to win an import business of my own. Next year, I will be starting a master's program in business with a specialization in entrepreneurship. I will be getting this degree because I hope to start my own business and make it successful some day. After I finish my master's degree three years from now, I will most likely take a position in another company for a few years to make some money and to spend some time planning my own business. Within ten years, I hope to own my own company and be on the way to making it a success.




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