
2022-02-09 13:46:55 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

北京冬奥会已经开幕4天啦!!! 与其相关的微博话题也*登上热搜。相信同学们都怀着激动的心情守在了直播前,并且不断期待*运动员在冬奥会上的表现!观看比赛为他们加油的动作肯定是要有的,与此同时,聪明的考鸭肯定已经察觉到。



■ Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

■ Do you watch live sports games?

■ Who do you like to watch sports games with?

■ What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

■ Describe a person you follow on social media

■ Describe a person who makes contribution to the society.

■ Describe a famous athlete you know.




■ Alpine skiing 高山滑雪

■ Biathlon 冬季两项

■ Bobsleigh 雪车

■ Cross-country skiing 越野滑雪

■ Curling 冰壶

■ Figure skating 花样滑冰

■ Freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪

■ Ice hockey 冰球


■ Bing Dwen Dwen 冰墩墩

■ host city 主办城市

■ national team 国家队

■ the national anthem 国歌

■ opening ceremony 开幕式

■ closing ceremony 闭幕式

■ the final 决赛

■ the semi-final 半决赛

■ referee 裁判

■ competitor 参赛者

■ gold/silver/bronze medal  金/银/铜牌

■ hold the record *持记录

■ break a/the record 打破纪录

■ a person best 个人*好成绩


上文说到,有关体育和名人的雅思口语话题都可以和冬奥会相结合,拿Describe a famous athlete you know.



Being a sports enthusiast, I am a big fan of those sportspeople who show athleticism(运动能力) in their games. Although I know many popular athletes, today I am going to talk about a talented  freeskier named Eilleen Gu, she is the first freeskier in history to win multiple world titles in a single year.

She got into free-skiing at the age of eight. After five years in ski school, she had the choice to continue with either racing or free-skiing, her mother opted to enroll her in free-skiing lessons, which made Eileen become who she is now.

Just under two years ago, she was one of the stars of the Winter Youth Olympic Games, where she won two golds and a silver. After that, she announced the news on social platform that she decided to represent her mother' s native country for the Beijing 2022 Olympics.

What impressed me most about her is that she wants to do more than ski—she wants to change the landscape of snow sports forever. In China, snow sports are not widely recognized. Eillean wants to inspire more young people to pick up skiing in China. She aims to be the model for the next generation of free-skiiers. For me, I would always support her!


■ sports enthusiast 体育爱好者

■ athleticism 运动能力

■ freeskier 自由滑雪者

■ one of the stars of 明星之一

■ change the landscape of... 改变...的格局

■ inspire 鼓舞






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