
2014-03-14 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:pmc_vicky

  考生们都很清楚雅思口语Part 2的重要性,可以说,这一部分直接决定了考生的分数。那么,如果备考时间比较短,而又希望能够对多数雅思口语题目做到准备充分、轻松应考,就需要大家学会“移花接木”的本领,即把雅思口语话题分类汇总,把可以组合或通用的思路联系到一起,节省准备考试的时间,并且拿到理想的分数。本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的将为考生们分析类话题的答题思路。

  首先,我们从雅思口语的“人”这一大类入手,这类题目大致可细分为三类:famous person/ old person/ teenager。有了这三个题目,我们就可以把其他的题目轻松套入,做到事半功倍。我们先来看famous person这个题目。

  Describe a famous person who is important to your own country.


  The famous person I want to describe is Jacky Chen. He is a famous Kungfu star. When he was a young man, he studied Kungfu in Hong Kong. He was very painstaking and did exercise for thousands of times a day with injuries in many parts of the body. Then he was selected to act Kungfu in films by a film company. He had opportunities to show himself and prove his capability. In his movies, he always acts policeman, soldier and hero for the nation. He has become our hero to let the world know Kungfu of China. He makes contributions to boost Chinese entertainment industry and spread Chinese Kungfu to the western world. He has fans all around the world and he also has apprentice. He uses his reputation to collect money for charity and help the disabled to build up confidence for life. I admire him very much because his story encourages me to be painstaking and selfless.


  下面是old person的例子。

  Describe an old person you know.

  The old person I want to talk about is my biology teacher. He has grey hair; he wears a pair of glasses. He always smiles to students so we think he is a kind and friendly teacher. His classes are vivid and interesting. He always brings real things to the class to teach us the knowledge of biology. Once he brought a glass box of butterflies. Some of them were blue, purple, white and pink. One day he brought a live frog. We were very interested in his teaching. He told me that he would never give up his teaching. He said he would go to Hope Project in remote areas. He makes contribution to the society. I admire him very much. He has a sense of selfless and enthusiasm to his career.

  这个例子的应用范围十分广泛,它可以被用来回答类似teacher/ a person with important job/ a person you want to be/ a family member/ a neighbour/ a person who taught you something important等等的题目。


  Describe a teenager you know.

  The person I want to describe is my friend. He is a happy and strong person. We knew each other since we were 6 years old. He was talented in basketball because he’s tall and nimble. He was selected to be one of the members of school basketball team. After his painstaking training, he became the top athlete in our city. He told me that he wants to be the basketball star like Yaoming. No matter how difficult the training is, even in the rainy days, he sticks to it. However, in one basketball match, his left ankle was injured seriously. He had to stop training and playing the game. He felt upset. When I went to visit him, he told me he wouldn’t give up basketball. Although he can’t continue his matches now, he has overcome the misfortune. The smile is on his face when he sits on the playground and sees the players. Now he is writing some essays to illustrate the skills of basketball performance. He told me he didn’t stop the dream of basketball. I respect him and I will learn from his strong mind and optimistic attitude.






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