
2019-04-02 01:32:40 来源:网络 作者:zhengshan







  “Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. ”


  Teachers and parents share responsibility for the education and socialization of children. In my opinion, while teachers may have a bigger impact on children’s intellectual development, parents play a more important role in children’s social development.

  On the one hand, teachers are in school to help children succeed academically, and here lies teachers’ influence. Teachers keep children focused on study and, as a result, have more influence on their intellectual development. Although children may spend more time with parents even after they start school, teachers are the ones who help children with their reading, writing, and mathematics, and tell them about the world outside the comfort of family life. That is why children’s academic performance is more a sign of effective teaching than great parenting.

  On the other hand, parents are the key elements in children’s social development. In other words, children usually rely more on parents than teachers when it comes to acquiring good social behaviors. Parents are the ultimate role models to their children. In most cases, the desired social behaviors are taught through a variety of accumulating experiences stemming from parents’ influence rather than teachers’. Actually, every word, movement or action from parents has an effect on children who observe and then do the same in their upcoming life. Compared to teachers, therefore, parents have more power to influence the social lives of their children.

  In conclusion, teachers work together with parents in influencing the intellectual and social development of children. Though theoretically we can draw a line between the school influence and parental influence, in reality it is merely a matter of degrees since these two influences are not mutually exclusive.

  (286 words)




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