
2022-03-20 10:30:01 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


文章题目 Fluoridation in the water

主题 医疗健康

选择题 3 判断 6 句子填空 5

文章大意 本文讲述了氟化物添加对健康的影响。学者化饮用水有两种不同的看法。

文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness

主题 人文社科

选择 4 判断 4

文章大意 社交媒体对孤独的影响.越来越多的人开始使用社交媒体,有些人认为社交媒体使人们更加孤独,而另一些人则不同意。一项大学生调查显示,孤独与花时间在社交媒体上无关。社交媒体会让人焦虑和上瘾。

文章题目 Ancient Greek Coins

重复年份 人文社科题材

题型 判断 流程图


文章题目 When did music begin?

题材 艺术

选择题型 4. 配对 5 判断 5


文章题目 Who should look after the child?

主题 人文社科

题型 暂无


参考阅读:Working Mothers In the United States today,more than half of mothers with young children work,compared to about one third in the 1970s. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their families need the income...

文章题目 Gesture

人文社科题目 小标题 6 段落细节配对 5 选择 3

文章大意 谈到了手势研究。我们开始用电话铃声来比较为什么每个人都能理解手势。后来,我们讨论了手势的个体差异和文化差异,包括各国的例子。

文章题目 Who should look after the child?

主题 人文社科

文章大意 英国年轻人是父母,父母应该照顾*

Working Mothers

In the United States today,more than half of mothers with young children work,compared to about one third in the 1970s. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their families need the income...




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