
2019-04-03 01:27:59 来源:网络 作者:alice
相信每个同学都会有一个dream school list,每个学校对雅思的分数要求不同,甚至同一个学校同一个专业方向,但是具体学科的分数也不同,下面我们就来看一下雅思口语答案:sleep。

  相信每个同学都会有一个dream school list,每个学校对雅思的分数要求不同,甚至同一个学校同一个专业方向,但是具体学科的分数也不同,下面我们就来看一下雅思口语*答案:sleep。


  How many hours do you sleep every day?

  Most of the time, I hit the sack around 11.30 and um, I am a morning lark, so usually I just get out of bed at 6.30. That makes it seven hours every day.

  Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

  It really depends on the person. For me, I don’t suppose it is that necessary because I tend to be a rather energetic person and I have a lot of energy every single day. I hardly ever have forty winks after lunch or something like that. But I know that a lot of other people are completely different. If they don’t take a power nap at noon, they just find it really hard to function in the afternoon. They just feel really groggy. For those people, it’s quite important.

  Do old people sleep a lot?

  Off the top of my head, I’d say that they do. Although they go to bed really early every night, they get up pretty early. They take some naps during the day, three or even four hours. So when everything is added up, I believe old people sleep a great amount.

  Do you always have a good sleep?

  I always have a very good sleep. When I sleep, I sleep like a baby, I never toss and turn and I never have a nightmare. I do feel I’m pretty fortunate.


  hit the sack 上床睡觉(=hit the hay=go

  to bed=go to sleep)

  a morning lark 喜欢早起的人(=a morning


  a night owl 夜猫子

  stay up late=burn the midnight oil 熬夜(到


  necessary 非常重要的,必要的(=very


  energetic [?en?'d?et?k] adj. 精力充沛的

  full of beans 精力充沛的

  take a nap 小憩一会,小睡一会(=have

  forty winks=take a power nap)

  groggy ['ɡr?ɡ?] adj. 困倦的(=drowsy


  get up 起床(=get out of bed)

  drag oneself out of bed 挣扎着起床

  sleep like a baby 睡得很好

  toss and turn 辗转反侧

  nightmare ['na?t?me?] n. 噩梦

  fortunate ['f??t??n?t] adj. 幸运的(=lucky)

  unfortunate=unlucky 不幸运的





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