
2022-05-19 15:25:38 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
第二点, 有些人饲养宠物是为了自我炫耀 Some people show off their wealth and status by buying expensive pets. 宠物是比较贵的, 特别是优良品种的狗或猫, 所以一些人把*贵的宠物看成是身份的标志和显示自己*生活方式以及价值观的渠道


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Many people nowadays spend too much money on their pets (dogs, cats, or other animals), although there are better uses for their money.


人们买了各种各样没必要的宠物衣服, 玩具, 时尚化妆品, 零食等. People buy assorted and unnecessary pet clothes, toys, fashionable makeup, or treats etc. 这些东西都不是宠物的必需品, 如果要买, 可以偶尔买, 但不应该长期, 连续的消费 These commodities are not necessary for pets to make a living or maintain welfare, so people may want to keep their spending on these products occasionally, but not continuously or sustainably.

第二点, 有些人饲养宠物是为了自我炫耀 Some people show off their wealth and status by buying expensive pets. 宠物是比较贵的, 特别是优良品种的狗或猫, 所以一些人把*贵的宠物看成是身份的标志和显示自己*生活方式以及价值观的渠道 pets are expensive, particularly pedigree dogs or cats, so some people use them as a symbol of status or a channel to display their extravagant lifestyle and materialistic values


宠物对有些人来说是家庭成员或忠实的朋友 Pets are part of family members or loyal friends. 所以主人希望它们能得到和家人或朋友同等的待遇, 照顾和爱 So pet owners would give their pets the same privileges, care, and love as other family members or friends. 宠物给了主人心理上的支持, 陪伴, 无条件的爱, 那么主人也把它们当家人或朋友一样对待, pets give their owners emotional support, companion, and unconditional love, and reciprocally, owners spend money on them, and think that the spending is well worth it

第二点, 宠物能给主人带来许多益处, 比如身体健康 Keeping pets has health benefits. 狗是一种很有活力的动物, 每天需要玩耍和活动. 许多养狗的人都把遛狗, 训练狗, 或跟狗在户外玩耍看成是每天锻炼身体的机会 Dogs are highly energetic and require outdoor activity, so many dog owners play with them or walk them or train them outdoors as a way to do physical exercise




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