雅思口语Part 3新题素材

2022-06-17 14:26:36 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

Part 2

Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in

Part 3

What are the contest commonly seen on TV programs?

Well, I think competitions like singing or dancing shows are frequently seen on TV since they are quite entertaining. I think people love to see others do things they cannot do, and it’s also interesting to witness the growth of those candidates, therefore, those competitions are super popular.


Why are competition shows popular?

I suppose people are curious about who is going to be the winner and those shows are also engaging to watch as there are so many talents you can find in a show. Besides, people can  experience the intensity of the game and connect with those participants they support. I mean, they don’t have to be in the show, but they can have similar experience, which is very engrossing.


What kinds of industries need competition?

I think almost every industry need it. There are plenty of bright sides in this regard, like proper competition allows manufacturers to improve their products in order to hold the market share, therefore, buyers can enjoy better quality goods and higher living standards.


Why do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?

Well, I think it’s beneficial for people to make the most of themselves and if they can be more productive, it’s conducive for companies to be more competitive in the market to gain a lot more profits. It’s a positive cycle. I mean, there are chances for better performers to get a more handsome salary if companies develop well. So I believe it’s can be favorable for both ends.





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