
2019-04-09 00:30:57 来源:网络 作者:alice




      Describe your grandparent’s job.

  You should say:

  What it was

  How long he or she had this job

  How he or she got the job

  And whether you would like to have this job.


  Umm you know people in that generation lived in unstable times, that’s why there are lots of people looking for stability and civil servant jobs have become so popular since then. Unlike these days, the government would arrange jobs for the university graduates, and my grandpa’s work was arranged to work in the troops doing administration work. Basically the work he did can be regarded as an attempt to explore compulsory theories of administrative practice and legislation.

  The majority of the people in that generation would prefer government jobs since they provided stability and decent wages. By contrast, private companies or self-employment may be more rewarding financially, but the embedded risks make them less desired. Till these days, civil servant jobs have long been viewed as “golden rice bowl” jobs in China, are losing glamor as career aspirations grow increasingly diversified. Civil servant job has long been viewed as glorious and stable by jobseekers in China.


  1. troops n. 军队,部队

  2. administration work 行政工作

  3. embed v. 嵌入,使插入

  4. glamor n. 魅力,迷人的美

  5. aspiration n. 渴望,志向,抱负





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