
2022-08-11 09:56:44 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编










出Conditional Offer,选择学校,接受offer,交押金。




拿到录取的学生,可换Unconditional Offer,准备签证、住宿、机票、缴费等行前事项。







Aerospace Engineering & Management [MSc]

Aerospace Engineering [MSc]

Biomedical Engineering [MSc]

Church History & Theology [MTh]

Civil Engineering & Management [MSc]

Civil Engineering [MSc]

Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management [MSc]

Electronics & Electrical Engineering [MSc]

Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing [MSc]

Mechanical Engineering & Management [MSc]

Mechanical Engineering [MSc]

Mechatronics [MSc]

Nanoscience & Nanotechnology [MSc]

Sustainable Energy [MSc]

Queen Mary

MSc Banking and Finance

MSc Management

MSc Marketing(有可能会取消,暂时未确定,请特别留意)

MScManagement with Integrated Pre-masters


MBA Business Administration

MSc (Econ) Accounting And Finance

MSc(Econ) Finance & Investment Management (with or without CFA)

MSc International Business & Finance

MSc International Business Management

MSc International Finance & Political Relations

MSc International Human Resource Management

MSc Marketing Management

MSc Data Science(15 months)

MSc Artificial Intelligence(15 months)

MSc Information Technology(15 months)

MSc Global Health and Management

MPH Master of Public Health

MSc Medical Imaging

MSc Medical Physics

MSc Physician Associate Studies (24 months)

MScPsychological Studies

MLittCreative Writing

MSc Cutural & Creative Communication

MLittFilm, Visual culture and Arts Management

MMus Music

MSc Professional Communication


MSc Translating and Interpreting Studies

LLM Business Law & Sustainable Development

LLM Energy And Environmental Law

LLM Energy Law MSc Energy Politics and Law

LLM General Law

LLM Intellectual Property Law

LLM International Commercial Law

LLM International Law

LLM International Trade Law

MSc International Political Economy

MSc International Relations

MSc Peace and Conflict Studies

MSc Sociology

MSc Strategic Studies

MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering

MSc Advanced Structural Engineering

MSc Oil And Gas Enterprise Management

MSc Geophysics

MSc Planetary Sciences

MSc Sustainability Transitions



DigitalEntrepreneurship MSc

Digital Finance MSc

Design Innovation MA, MSc

Digital Marketing MSc

Diplomacyand International Governance MSc

Diplomacy,Business and Trade MSc

Diplomacy,Politics and Trade MSc

Entrepreneurship  and    Innovation    Management MSc

Entrepreneurship, Finance  and  Innovation MSc 

GlobalCommunication and Social Change MA

InternationalHuman Resource Management MSc

InternationalDevelopment MA

International Management and Emerging Economies MSc

International Management MSc

International Sustainable Development MSc

Media and Creative Industries MA

Risk Governance and Internetional Management MSc

Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy MSc

SportMarketing MSc


5G and Future Generation Communication Systems MSc

Accounting and Finance MSc

Advanced Geotechnical Engineering MSc

Artificial Intelligence MSc

Bridge Engineering MSc

Business Analytics MSc

Civil Engineering MSc

Communications Networks and Software MSc

Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learning MSc

Corporate Environmental Management MSc

Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc

Electronic Engineering MSc

Electronic Engineering with Professional Postgraduate Year MSc

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MSc

Environmental Strategy MSc

FinTech and Policy MSc

Information and Process Systems Engineering MSc

Infrastructure Engineering and Management MSc

International Business Management MSc

International Corporate Finance MSc

International Events Management MSc

International Financial Management MSc

International Hotel Management MSc

International Marketing MSc

International Tourism Management MSc

Investment Management MSc

Management MSc

Mobile and Satellite Communications MSc

Petroleum Refining Systems Engineering MSc

Process Systems Engineering MSc

Renewable Energy Systems Engineering MSc

Space Engineering MSc

Strategic Hotel Management MSc

Strategic Marketing MSc

Structural Engineering MSc

Sustainable Development MSc

Water and Environmental Engineering MSc


Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc

Advanced Computer Science MSc

Advanced Construction Technologies & Building Information Modeling BIM

Advanced Computer Science with Data Science MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy Systems MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Materials MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant Technologies MSc

Advanced Naval Architecture MSc

Advanced Software Engineering MSc

Biomedical Engineering MSc

Business & Management MSc

Business Analysis & Consulting MSc

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Civil Engineering with specialist streams MSc

Criminology & Social Policy MSc

Counselling & Psychotherapy MSc

Education Studies MSc

Electronic & Electrical Engineering MSc

Engineering Management for Process Excellence MSc

Environmental Engineering MSc

Finance MSc

International Management MSc

International Accounting & Finance MSc

Marine Engineering MSc

Marketing MSc

Mechatronics & Automation MSc

Media & Communication MLitt

Machine Learning and Deep Learning MSc

Offshore Floating Systems MSc

Satellite Data for Sustainable Development MSc

Ship & Offshore Structures MSc

Subsea & Pipeline Engineering MSc

Supply Chain & Logistics Management MSc

Supply Chain & Procurement Management MSc

Supply Chain & Sustainability Management MSc

Sustainable and Environmental Studies MSc

Sustainable Engineering: Marine Technology MSc

Sustainable Engineering: Chemical Processing MSc

Sustainable Engineering: Offshore Renewable Energy MSc

Technical Ship Management MSc

TESOL & Intercultural Communication MSc

Heriot Watt


Design Management MSc

Digital Design and Innovation MA

Fashion and Textiles Design MA

Fashion and Textiles Management MSc

Interior Architecture and Design MA


MSc Artificial Intelligence

MSc Artificial Intelligence (2 years)

MSc Business Psychology

MSc Business Psychology with Human Resource Management

MSc Business Psychology with Intercultural Communication

MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management

MSc Civil Engineering with Industry Placement (2 years)

MSc Computing (2 years)

MSc Construction Project Management with Industry Placement (2 year)

MSc Data Science

MSc Data Science (2 years)

MSc Energy

MSc Global Environmental Change and Policy

MSc Global Sustainability Engineering

MSc International Business Management

MSc International Business Management with Finance

MSc International Business Management with HRM

MSc International Business Management with Industry Placement

MSc International Business Management with Marketing

MSc Robotics

MSc Software Engineering


Adult Mental Health (Contemporary Studies) MSc

Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Contemporary Studies) MSc

Clinical Optometry MSc

Criminal Litigation LLM

Enhanced Midwifery Care MSc

Health Management MSc

Health Policy MSc

International Commercial Law LLM

International Human Rights LLM

International Litigation and Dispute Resolution LLM


LLM International Banking and Finance Law - Master's degree

Maritime Law LLM

Public Health MPH

Public International Law LLM

Speech, Language and Communication (Advanced Studies) MSc


Cyber Security Project Management MSc

Digital Marketing MSc

Engineering Management MSc

International Business Management (Marketing) MSc

International Business Management (Strategy and Leadership)MSc

International Business Management MSc

Project Management MSc

Software Project Management MSc


Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc

Advanced Engineering Design MSc

Advanced Manufacturing Systems MSc

Building Services Engineering MSc (Distance learning)

Civil Engineering MSc

Digital Design and Branding MSc (placement offered)

Digital Design (3D Animation) MSc (placement offered)

Digital Design (Motion Gtaphics) MSc (placement offered)

Digital Design (Immersive Mixed Reality) MSc (placement offered)

Engineering Management MSc

Environmental Management MSc (placement offered)

Intellectual Property Law LLM (placement offered)

International Commercial Law LLM (placement offered)

International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM (placement offered)

International Human Rights Law LLM (placement offered)

Law, Policy and Practice MA (placement offered)

Master of Laws (LLM Law) (placement offered)

Project & Infrastructure Management MSc

Renewable Energy Engineering MSc (Distance learning)

Structural Engineering MSc

Water Engineering MSc

Wireless and Computer Communication Networks MSc


LLM International Law

Master of Business Administration: The Essex MBA

Master of Business Management MBM

MScBusiness Analytics 


MScApplied Data Science 

MScData Science and its Applications

MScArtificial Intelligence 

MScArtificial Intelligence and its Applications

MScManagement Economics

MScBehavioral and Experimental Economics 


Advanced Computer Science, MSc

Aerospace Engineering, MSc

Accounting and Finance Pre-Master’s

Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), MSc/PGDip

Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc/PGDip

Chemical Engineering, MSc

Civil Engineering, MSc

Communication, Media Practice and Public Relations, MA

Computer Science Conversion Route Pre-Master’s

Children and Young People Pre-Master’s

Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc

Health Care Management, MSc

Health Data Science, MSc/GDPip/PGCert

Health Informatics, MSc/GDPip/PGCert

Management (Business Analytics), MSc

Management (Digital Business), MSc

Management (Enterprise and Innovation), MSc

Management (Finance), MSc

Management (Human Resource Management), MSc

Management (International Management), MSc

Management (Marketing), MSc

Management (Operations and Supply Management), MSc

Management (Software Technology), MSc

Management (Sport), MSc

Management, MSc

Management Pre-Masters

Management (Sustainable Business), MSc

Management (Artificial Intelligence), MSc

Mechanical Engineering, MSc

Medical Education, MSc/GDPip/PGCert

Medical Radiation Physics, MSc

Nanomedicine, MSc/GDPip/PGCert

Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy, MSc

Public Health and Health Promotion, MSc/GDPip

Public Health and Management Pre-Master’s


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MSc Applied Social Research

MSc Applied Social Research (Social Statistics and Social Research)

MSc Artificial Intelligence

MSc Big Data

MSc Business Analytics

MSc Business and Management

MSc Data Science for Business

MSc Digital Banking and Finance

MSc Environmental Management

MSc Environmental Management (Conservation)

MSc Environmental Management (Energy)

MSc Financial Technology (FinTech)

MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy

MSc International Business

MSc Marketing Analytics

MSc Mathematics and Data Science

MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care

MSc Social Work Studies

MSc Sport Management

DDipl Doctor of Diplomacy

Professional Doctorate Data Science

Professional Doctorate Health Psychology


BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) Psychology

BA (Hons) Business Studies

BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy

BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology

BA (Hons) Economics

BA (Hons) English Studies

BA (Hons) Film and Media

BA (Hons) Finance

BA (Hons) French

BA (Hons) Human Resource Management

BA (Hons) International Politics

BA (Hons) Journalism Studies

BA (Hons) Marketing

BA (Hons) Politics

BA (Hons) Philosophy

BA (Hons) Retail Marketing

BA (Hons) History

BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy

BA (Hons) Scottish History

BSc (Hons) Animal Biology

BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics

BSc (Hons) Biology

BSc (Hons) Cell Biology

BSc (Hons) Computing Science

BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography

BSc (Hons) Environmental Science

BSc (Hons) Management

BSc (Hons) Marine Biology

BSc (Hons) Mathematics

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering

LLB (Hons) Law


Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) MSc

Artificial Intelligence MSc

Business Analytics MSc

Business and Management MSc

Data Analytics (including Professional Practice) MSc

Data Analytics MSc

Engineering Management MSc

Human Resource Management MSc

Information Systems and Business Analysis MSc

International Accounting and Finance MSc

International Business MSc

International Relations and Global Governance MA

Investment Analysis MSc


Strategic Digital Marketing MSc

Strategic Marketing Management MSc

Supply Chain Management MSc

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA


Accounting and Banking MSc

Accounting and Finance MSc

Accounting MSc

Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker) MA

Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker), Msc

Banking and Finance MBA

Banking and Finance MSc

Business and Marketing MA

Celtic Archaeology MA

Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice MA

Consumer and Digital Marketing Analytics MSc

Criminology and Law MA

Criminology and Sociology MA

Environmental Management MBA

Finance MBA

Finance MSc

History MA

International Business MBA

International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law LLM

International Marketing MBA

Investment Management MSc

Islamic Banking and Finance MSc

Islamic Banking and Finance, MBA


Linguistic Policy and Planning MA

Management and Finance MSc

Management MBA

Mental Health Nursing MSc

Social Policy MA

Sociology MA

Welsh History MA

Advanced Manufacturing MSc

Applied Exercise Physiology MSc

Applied Linguistics and TESOL MA

Biotechnology MSc

Business Communication for International Leadership MA

Clinical Exercise Science MSc

Computer Network Administration and Management MSc

Creative Industries MRes

Cyber Security and Forensic Information Technology MSc

Digital Business Management MSc

Digital Marketing MA

Educational Leadership and Management MSc

Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc

Energy and Power Systems Management MSc

Engineering Management MSc

Information Systems MSc

International Business and Management MSc

International Marketing MA

International Relations and Politics MA


Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

Mechanical Engineering MSc

Medical Biotechnology MSc

Project Management MSc

Science and Health MRes

Sport Management MSc

Sports Performance MSc


International Business Communication (Top-up) BA (Hons)

International Trade and Business Communication (Top-up) BA (Hons)

International Trade, Logistics and Business Communication (Top-up) BA (Hons)



MA Education

MA Smart Urban Futures

MA Hunan Resource Management

MA Mathematics Education (Online programme)

MA Maritime History

MA/MSc Integrated Design Innovation

MSc Cyber Security

MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering

MSc Robotics

MSc Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering

MSc Autonomous Systems

MSc Business and Management

MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing

MSc Finance

MSc International Business

MSc International Logistics and Supply Chain Management

MSc International Procurement and Supply Chain Management

MSc International Shipping

MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management

MSc Tourism and Hospitality Management

MBA Master of Business Administration


Advanced Materials Chemistry MRes

Analytical Chemistry MRes

Biomedical Science MSc

Biotechnology MRes

Biotechnology MSc

Cancer Biology MRes

Career Development MA

Cell Biology MRes

Chemistry / Chemistry (Professional Practice) MSc

Chemistry MRes

Engineering (Electronics) MSc

Engineering Management - MSc

IT Security MSc

Medical Engineering MSc

Medical Imaging MRes

Molecular Biology MRes

Molecular Cell Biology MSc

Molecular Microbiology MRes

Neuropharmacology MRes

Molecular Microbiology MSc

Neuropharmacology MSc

Paramedic Science MSc

Pharmaceutical Analysis MRes

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science MRes

Pharmacology - MSc

Pharmacology MRes

Pharmacology MSc

Social Work MA

Sustainable Engineering: Energy MSc

Transport Systems MSc


Advanced Computer Science - MSC

Art and Design: Interdisciplinary Practices - MA

Automotive Engineering - MSC

Construction Project Management - MSC

Creative Writing - Ma

Design Management - Ma

Dietetics (Pre-Registration) - Msc

Digital Transformation - Msc

Event, Festival And Exhibition Management - Ma

Fashion Management - Ma

Fine Art - Ma

Health - PHD

International Business Law - Llm

International Human Rights - Llm

International Law - LLM

International Mba - MBA

Logistics And Supply Chain Management - Msc

Luxury Brand Management - Ma

Management And Finance - Msc

Management And International Business - Msc

Mechanical Engineering - Msc

Medical Engineering Applications For Healthcare - Msc

Medical Imaging Technology - Msc

Midwifery (Shortened Route) - Msc

Physiotherapy - (Pre-Registration) - Msc

Project Management - Msc

Public Relations - Ma

Speech And Language Therapy - Msc

Therapeutic Radiography (Pre-Registration) - Msc

Visual Communication - Ma


Midwifery With Public Health - Msci

Nursing - Adult And Child - Dual Award - Msci

Nursing - Adult And Mental Health - Dual Award - Msci

Nursing - adult with foundation year - BSc (hons)

Nursing - Child - Bsc (Hons)

Nursing - Mental Health - Bsc (Hons)

Nursing - Mental Health And Child - Dual Award - Msci

Nursing - mental health with foundation year - BSc (hons)



BA (Hons) Business Administration Top-Up (专升本)

Bachelor of Laws LLB (Hons)(本科大一)


Advanced Computer Science MSc

Aerospace Engineering MSc(12 months route)

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics MSc

MSc Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with Work Placement (带薪实习)

Advanced Computer Science with Work Placement MSc (带薪实习)

Automotive Engineering MSc

Communications and Information Engineering MSc (12 months route)

Computer Networks and Systems Security MSc

Computer Networks and Systems Security withWork Placement MSc (带薪实习)

Computer Science MSc

Cyber Security MSc

Cyber Security with Work Placement MSc  (带薪实习)

Data Science MSc

Data Science with Placement MSc

Data Science with Advanced Research MSc

Data Science and Analytics MSc

Data Science and Analytics with work placement MSc (带薪实习)

Digital Marketing MBA

Data Analytics MBA

Entrepreneurship MBA

Electronics Engineering MSc (12 months route)

Pharmacovigilance MSc

Environmental Management for Agriculture MSc

Environmental Management MSc

Financial Service MBA

Human Resource MBA

Healthcare MBA

International Business MSc

Information Systems MBA

Management MSc

Management with Digital Marketing MSc

Management with Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

Management with Sustainability MSc

Manufacturing Management MSc (12 months route)

Master of Business Administration

Mechanical Engineering MSc (12 months route)

Management Consultancy MBA

Masters in Law LLM

Pharmacovigilance MSc

Power Electronics and Control MSc (12 months route)

Project Management MBA

Public Services MBA

Software Engineering MSc

Software Engineering with Work Placement MSc (带薪实习)

Supply Chain Management MSc (12 months route)

Sustainable Planning and Environmental Management MSc

Sustainable Planning and Transport MSc

Sustainable Planning MSc

Sustainable Industries MBA

Transport Planning MSc 


Accountingand Finance MSc 

DigitalMarketing MSc 

Marketing MSc

International Business MSc

International Hospitality ManagementMSc 

Logisticsand Global Operations MSc 


Managementwith Project Management MSc

Management with Human Resources MSc

Masterof Business Administration (MBA)

ComputerScience MSc 

Education MA

InteriorArchitecture and Design MA 

Corporate and Commercial Law LLM

EngineeringManagement (with Professional Practice) MSc 

ConstructionScience and Management MSc

Agri-Food Technology (with Professional Practice) MSc

AnalyticalSciences MSc 

International Law - MA



Commerce and International Business (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Global Business Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)


Accounting and Finance MSc

Accounting and Finance MSc (Placement Route)

Business Analytics MSc

Education MA

Executive MBA

Human Resource Management MA

International Business Management MSc

International Marketing Strategy MSc

International Marketing Strategy MSc (Placement Route)

Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Placement Route)

Master of Business Administration MBA

Master of Business Administration MBA (Placement Route)

Project Management MSc

Project Management MSc (Placement Route)

Social Innovation MA

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (Autism Pathway) MA

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion MA


Banking, Finance and Risk Management MSc

Early Childhood Studies MA

Education Leadership and Management MA

Education MA

Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

SEND and Inclusive Education MA

Sustainable Economics MSc


Banking And Finance - Msc

Creative Writing - Ma

Education - Ma

Environmental Sustainability And Green Technology - Msc

Geographical And Environmental Research - Msc

Geoscience Research - Msc

International Business - Msc

Investment Management - Msc

Management - Msc

Marketing - Msc

Philosophy - Mres

Physician Associate Studies - Msc

Physiotherapy (Are-Registration) - MSc

Politics and International Relations - Pathway In Global Security - MA/MRes

Politics and International Relations - Pathway In International Relations - MA/MRes

Politics and International Relations - Pathway In Politics - MA/MRes

Politics and International Relations - Pathway In Us Politics - MA/MRes

Prosthetics and Orthotics MSc


Air Transport Planning and Management MSc

Art And Visual Culture Ma

Corporate Finance Law Llm

Creative Writing: Writing The City Ma

Cultural and Critical Studies A

Digital Marketing Management MSc

Diplomacy and Global Politics MA

Documentary Photography and Photojournalism MA

English Language And Linguistics Ma

English Language And Literature Ma

English Literature: Modern And Contemporary Fictions Ma

Entertainment Law LLM

Finance And Accounting Msc

Fintech With Business Analytics Msc

Human Resource Management Ma

International And Commercial Dispute Resolution Law Llm

International Business And Management Msc/Ma

International Commercial Law Llm

International Law LLM

International Liaison And Communication Ma

International Relations And Democratic Politics Ma

International Relations And Security Ma

International Relations MA

Investment and Risk Finance MSc

Management MA

Marketing Communications MA/MSc

Marketing Management MA/MSc

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture MA

Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture with Professional Experience MA

Photography Arts MA

Professional Writing MA

Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages MA


Law - LLM, PDip

Law (Criminal Justice) - LLM, PDip

Law (Human Rights Law) - LLM, PDip

Law (Intellectual Property Law) - LLM, PDip

Law (International Law& Policy) - LLM

Law (International Criminal Justice) - LLM, PDip

Law (International Law with International Relations) - LLM, PDip

Law (International Commercial Law) - LLM, PDip

Law (Law and Health) - LLM, PDip

Law (International Law) - LLM, PDip

Human Rights Law - LLM

Architectural Practice - PDip

Advanced Child Protection - Pcert, PDip, MA

Advance and Specialist Healthcare - MSc

International Conflict Analysis - MA, PDip

International Relations - MA, PDip

International Relations with International Law - PDip, MA

Security and Terrorism - MA, PDip

Creative Writing - MA

History and Philosophy of Art - MA

EU External Relations - MA

International Conflict and Security - MA

International Development - MA

International Law - MA

International Migration - MA

International Political Economy - MA

International Relations - MA

Political Strategy and Communication - MA

Project Management - MSc


InternationalFoundation in Creative Practices 
Integrated International Foundation Course
International Pre-master Courses


BA/BSc(Hons) Business and Management
BA (Hons) Film Production
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA/BSc (Hons) Fashion Business & Management

MA/MScFashion Business & Management
MA Filmmaking
MA/MSc Global Marketing & Communications
MBM Global Master of Business & Management
MA Interior Design
MBA Master Business Administration
MA Visual Communication



BA (Hons) Business Management (2023年月入学只能申请大一,不能申请大二大三插读)

BA (Hons) International Finanace and Business (Level 6 top up )


MSc Advertising and Public Relations Management

Master of Business Administration (Global)

MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship

MSc International Business and Finance

MSc International Business and Management

MSc International Business and Marketing

MSc Marketing Management

MSc Project Management

MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing

MSc International Business and Human Resource Management

MSc Architecture and Sustainability

MA Fashion Management with Marketing

MSc Aeronautical Engineering

MSc Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining

MSc Computing

MSc Cyber Security

MSc Cyber Technology

MSc Data Analytics

MSc Electronic Engineering

MSc Energy and Sustainable Development

MS Energy Engineering

MSc Engineering Management

MSc Information Systems Management

MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert Intelligent Systems

MSc Intelligent Systems and Robotics

MSc Mechanical Engineering

MSc Mechatronics

MSc Software Engineering

MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert Clinical Pharmacy (学生在英国,有T2签证,受雇于NHS信任或*NHS服务的医疗*健机构)



BAAutomotive and Transport Design (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BA Digital Media (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BAGraphic Design (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BAInternational Relations (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BAMedia and Communications

BAPolitics (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BAPolitics and International Relations (Condensed, no direct entry for level 5.6)

BABusiness and Marketing (Year one entry only)

BSCAccounting and Finance (Year one entry only)

BSC Accounting and Finance for International

Business (Top-up)

BAInternational Business Top-up

BA Business Management (Year one entry only)

BBABusiness Administration (Year one entry only)

BSCInternational Finance and Banking (top-up)

BAInternational Marketing (top-up)

LLBLaw (Year one entry only)

BENGAutomotive Engineering

BSCComputer Science

BSCComputer Science with Artificial



BENGMechanical Engineering

BENGMotorsport Engineering

BSCAdult Nursing (Blended Nursing)

BSCAdult Nursing (January intake) This course is only available to international student if they apply via CUC International Foundation Year. We don't accept applications via international office.

BSCBiomedical Science

BSCChildren and Young People’s Nursing

BSCFood Safety, Inspection and Control

BSCFood Science

BSCHuman Biosciences

BSCMental Health Nursing

BSCNursing Studies

BSCNutrition and Health





MAAutomotive and Transport Design

MACommunication, Culture and Media

MADesign Management

MADiplomacy, Law and Global Change

MAEnglish and Education Management

MAEnglish Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

MAEnglish Literature

MAFilm and Media Production


MAIllustration and Animation

MAInterior Design

MAInternational Relations

MAMedia Management




MAProduct Design Innovation

MASociology and Social Research

MATerrorism, International Crime and Global Security

MAVirtual and Augmented Reality

MSCAccounting and Financial Management

MSCBusiness Analytics

MSCDigital Marketing Management


MSCInternational Business Management

LLMInternational Commercial Law

MSCInternational Entrepreneurship

MSCInternational Human Resource Management

MSCInternational Marketing Management


MA/ PGC/ PGD Leadership and Management

MAManagement (Advanced Standing)

MSCProject Management

MSCSport Management

MSCAdvanced Mechanical Engineering (Extended masters available)

MSCAir Transport Management (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MSCAutomotive Engineering (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MENGAutomotive Engineering

MSCCivil Engineering

MSCCivil Engineering (Technical Route)

(Extended masters available)

MSCCivil Engineering Project

Management (Extended masters available)

MSCComputer Science (Extended masters


MSCIComputer Science

MSCIComputer Science with Artificial


MSCConnected Autonomous Vehicle

Systems (all apps must be referred to the


MSCConstruction Management with BIM

MSCConstruction Project and Cost


PGCCrisis, Security and Resilience

MSCCrowded Places and Public Safety

Management (Extended masters available)

MSCData Science

MSCData Science and Computational

Intelligence (Extended masters available)

MSCDisaster Management and Resilience

MSCElectrical and Electronic Engineering

MSCEmergency Management and


MSCEngineering Management (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MSCEngineering Project Management(have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MENGMechanical Engineering

MENGMotorsport Engineering

MSCOil and Gas Engineering (Extended

masters available)

MSCOil and Gas Management (Extended

masters available)

MSCPetroleum and Environmental

Technology (Extended masters available)

MSCProduction Engineering and Operations Management (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MSCRenewable Energy Engineering (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MSCRenewable Energy Management

MSCStructural Engineering

MSCSupply Chain Management and

Logistics (have the opportunity to be extended masters with optional work placement for an additional fee)

MSCSustainability and Environmental

Management (Extended masters available)

MSCAdult Nursing Blended Learning (pre-registration)

MSCAdvancing Physiotherapy Practice

MSCBusiness and Organisational Psychology

MSCOccupational Therapy (Pre-registration)

MSCChildren and Young People's Nursing (pre-registration)

MSCDietetics and Leadership

MSCGlobal Health Care Management

MSCGlobal Healthcare Management with

Professional Experience

MSCGlobal Healthcare Management with

Professional Experience

MSCMental Health Nursing (pre-registration)

MSCPhysiotherapy and Leadership

MSCPublic Health Nutrition

Coventry University London


BAAccounting and Finance for International

Business (top up)

BSC Financial Economics and Banking (Year

one entry only)

BAGlobal Business (top up) (Year 2 year 3


BAGlobal Business Management (Year one

entry only)

BSCGlobal Events Management (Year one entry only)

BSCGlobal Marketing (Year one entry only)

BAInternational Fashion Management and

Marketing (Year one entry only)

BAInternational Fashion PR and

Communication (Top up)

BAInternational Finance and Accounting

(Year one entry only)

BAInternational Hospitality and Tourism

Management (Year one entry only)

BAInternational Hospitality, Tourism and

Wellness Management (Top up)

BAMarketing Management (Top up)


MSC/PGC/PGDEconomics, Banking and Finance

MSCEconomics, Banking and Finance with

Extended Professional Practice

MSCEnterprise and Innovation

MSCEnterprise and Innovation with Extended Professional Practice

MSC/PGC/PGDFinancial Technology

MSCFinancial Technology with Extended

Professional Practice

MBAGlobal Business

MSC/PGC/PGDGlobal Finance

MSC Global Finance with Extended

Professional Practice

MSC/PGC/PGDGlobal Financial Trading

MSCGlobal Financial Trading with Extended

Professional Practice

MBAGlobal Healthcare Management and


MBAInternational Fashion Management


MBAInternational Human Resource


MBAInternational Human Resource Management

MBAInternational Marketing

CU Coventry

Progressing to Bachelor’s:

International Foundation Accounting & Finance

International Foundation Accounting & Finance (4 blocks) (5.5+)

International Foundation Accounting

& Finance (5 blocks) (5.0+)

International Foundation Business

International Foundation Business (5.0+)

International Foundation Business (5.5+)

International Foundation Year (Art, Design and Media)

International Foundation Year (Art, Design and Media) (5.0+)

International Foundation Year (Art, Design and Media) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year (Biosciences)

International Foundation Year (Biosciences) (5.0 +)

International Foundation Year (Biosciences) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year (Computing)

International Foundation Year (Computing) (5.0+)

International Foundation Year (Computing) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year (Nursing) (5.0 +)

International Foundation Year (Nursing) (6.0 +)

International Foundation Year (Nursing) (6.5 +)

International Foundation Year (Public Health)

International Foundation Year (Public Health) (5.0+)

International Foundation Year (Public Health) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year (Sports Science)

International Foundation Year (Sports Science) (5.0+)

International Foundation Year (Sports Science) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year Engineering

International Foundation Year Engineering (4 blocks) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year Engineering (5 blocks) (5.0+)

International Foundation Year Law

International Foundation Year Law (4 blocks) (5.5+)

International Foundation Year Law (5 blocks) (5.0+)

FOUN Accounting and Finance

BSC/HNC/HND Applied Bioscience

FOUN Applied Biosciences

BA/HNC/HND Business, Management and


HNC Building

FOUN Business

HNC Civil Engineering

BSc Cloud Computing

BSc Cloud Computing (Accelerated)

FOUN Digital Technologies

BA/HNC/HND Early Childhood Development

and Learning

BENG Electro-Mechanical Engineering

BENG/HNC/HND Electro-Mechanical


FOUN Engineering

BA Financial Services

BA/HNC/HND Health and Wellbeing Practice

FOUN Health, Education and Wellbeing

HNC Inernational Year One (Engineering)

Progressing to Year 2 International Year One (Accounting and Finance)

Progressing to Year 2 International Year One (Business Management)

Progressing to Year 2 International Year One (Sports Management)

BA Law and Practice

BA/HNC/HNDLaw and Practice

FOUN  Law and Practice

BA Marketing and Public Relations

BA Management and Leadership

BA/HNC/HND Marketing and Public Relations

HNC/HND Policing Practice

BA/HNC/HND Professional Accounting

BA Professional Policing

BA Public Health and Community Studies

BA/HNC/HND Public Health and Community


BA/HNC/HND Tourism and Hospitality Management

FOUN Nursing and Allied Health Professions

Progressing to Masters:

Master`s Qualifying Programme (Business)

Master`s Qualifying Programme (Business) (6.0+)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Computing)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Computing) (6.0+)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Engineering Management)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Engineering Management) (6.0+)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Engineering)

Master's Qualifying Programme (Engineering) (6.0+)

CU Scarborough


BSC HND/HNC Applied Psychology

FOUN Business

BA/HND/HNC Business Management and


BSC/HND/HNC Computing Science

BSC/HND/HNC Cyber Security

BSC HND/HNC Early Childhood Development and Learning

BSC Electro-Mechanical Engineering

FOUN Engineering

BA Health and Social Care

FOUN Health and Social Care


LLB Law and Practice

FOUN Nursing and Allied Health Professions               

BA/HND/HNC Primary Education and Teaching Studies

BA Professional Policing

BA Public Health and Community Studies

BA/HND/HNC Public Health and Community Studies

BA Sport and Leisure Management

FOUN Sport Performance and Coaching

BSC/HNCSport Performance and Coaching

CU London (Dagenham)

FOUNAccounting and Finance

FOUNApplied Biosciences

BSCApplied Biosciences

BSCApplied Psychology



BSCBusiness Management and Leadership

BAComputing Science

BACyber Security

BAEarly Childhood Development and Learning

BENGElectro-Mechanical Engineering


FOUNHealth and Social Care

BAHealth and Social Care

FOUNLaw and Practice

LLBLaw and Practice

BAMarketing and Public Relations

BAPrimary Education and Teaching Studies

BAProfessional Accounting

BAProfessional Policing

BAPublic Health and Community Studies

BASport and Leisure Management

BATourism and Hospitality Management

BABusiness Management and Leadership

(Top Up)

CU London (Greenwich)

FOUN Business

BA Business Management and Leadership

BSc Oil, Gas and Energy Management

LLB Law and Practice

BA  Tourism and Hospitality Management



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