如何进行托福口语task 2阅读部分总结

2022-08-24 14:56:37 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
在托福口语task 2部分中,一开始就会出现关于校园情况(campus situation)的阅读材料,在这个部分,首先考生需要看一篇大概一百个单词左右的阅读材料,这部分材料会给到考生45秒的阅读时间。阅读材料的内容会和大学校园相关(a campus situation)。接下来我们以一封信的内容为例来简单介绍一下应该如何有效进行总结。

托福口语task 2部分中,一开始就会出现关于校园情况(campus situation)的阅读材料,在这个部分,首先考生需要看一篇大概一百个单词左右的阅读材料,这部分材料会给到考生45秒的阅读时间。阅读材料的内容会和大学校园相关(a campus situation)。接下来我们以一封信的内容为例来简单介绍一下应该如何有效进行总结。

Letter in the Centerville College News

The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university's poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot ling steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! It's so large, it'll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.

针对以上的阅读内容,考生需要*捕捉到的三个信息:1. 它关于什么;2 & 3. 两个不同的原因。关于*点,即它关于什么,可以看到这是关于“反对学校的买雕塑计划”,但是在这里很多考生会误以为这篇阅读是关于“学校买雕塑的计划”。在原文中很明确的说到了这一点:“we should all oppose this plan”, oppose,即反对。反对的两个原因也可以通过材料很明确的得知:“such an expensive sculpture”、“takes up all the green space”。

在抓取到关键信息之后,可以以如下方式进行总结:the reading is about …, believing that … and …. About之后即文章关于什么,后两个省略号即两个不同的原因。考生需要特别注意的是定位到about后面到核心动词,比如这篇文章里,文章是关于反对某事的,放原文里就是oppose这个词。在总结过程中大家需要注意,about是介词,后面加动词时需要加ing。按照上述方式总结的话,这部分的回答将是:The reading is about opposing university’s plan to buy a sculpture, believing that it is too expensive and too big.这样可以很精炼的总结完阅读的内容,可以把更多的时间留给听力材料的总结。


University should allow eating in class

Currently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom. I disagree with this policy. I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for two reasons. For one thing, if students were permitted to eat, they would be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classroom, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of class-with snack foods and beverages-to celebrate the end of each semester.


Nancy Myers

在这个阅读中,可以很快抓取到一些关键信息,它是关于允许学生在课堂吃饭,同时两个原因分别是——更好的集中注意力、学生可以在每个学期的*后一节课在班里面举办派对。套用上文的方式可以得出这样的总结:the reading is about allowing students to eat in class, believing that it could help students better concentrate, and have in-class parties at the end of each term.





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