
2022-11-18 11:01:58 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1、真题复原 Write an essay in which you explain how E.J. Donnie Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience that rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence can only materialize once


Write an essay in which you explain how E.J. Donnie Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience that rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence can only materialize once we fulfill our unavoidable responsibilities. In your essay, analyze how E.J. Donnie uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with E.J. Donnie’s claims, but rather explain how Donnie Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience.



在阅读方面,范文对原文的认知是详细而透彻的,充分展示了考生的*阅读能力。首先,引言段直接指出了原文的中心思想(advocates making national service a priority in the United States as a way to decrease bitter partisanship and increase upward mobility for young people)。其次,范文全面应用引文(quote)、复述(paraphrase)、概述(summarize)列出原文的方法textual evidence,解释这些详细的证据与主题思想之间的关系(例如:This startling contrast is intended to remind the audience that they should not take their rights for granted and to remind them of the extent to which they are responsible to others around them.)。总的来说,范文对原文的主题和重要细节都有很好的把握。


在结构上,范文采用五段式:首先,在引言段中,明确提出了三个要分析的主要段落features:quotes from a foundational American document,the universal appeal of his proposal,citation from experts;在三个主要段落中,范文遵循一致顺序的原则,对于引言段落中的三个原则features详细分析一一。在*后一段中,考生再次重申了自己的论点,并一步的强调和深化。*后一段考生再次重申了自己的论点,并做了进一步的强调和深化。整篇文章逻辑清晰,结构严谨。

就衔接而言,无论是段内衔接还是段际衔接,都特别自然连贯。平行结构主要用于段际衔接:Dionne opens his editorial with…For Dionne, making a year of national service…Dionne bolsters the credibility of his position by…。在段落中,范文使用过渡词,重复和指示代词(then quickly follows with/He extends his reasoning one step further/This line of argumentation)等方法促使段内衔接自然顺畅,充满逻辑。









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