
2019-04-15 17:45:08 来源:网络 作者:wang



Most countries spend much money on education, as they come to realize the importance of education. Which two of the following subjects do you think are most important and which one is least important? Please give your answers.


Literature            Sports

Mathematics         Economy

Physics              History

Music               Geography

Philosophy          Foreign languages

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

In my view, the most important two subjects here are certainly physics and economy, and the least useful subject is philosophy.

Physics plays a most significant role in the overall development of science and technology. Without the advanced studies in its branch subjects like dynamics, electronics and micro-physics, most of modern conveniences such as automobiles, aero planes, mobile phones, computers and nuclear energy would be beyond imagination, and the human races are probably still fumbling way out in the dark ages. In future, we will still be dependent on and guided by physics for solutions of the most challenging issues such as the shortage of energy resources and exploring into outer-space for new residential planets etc.

Economy is also very important in the sense of optimizing the use of available resources on our planet. Nowadays, mankind is faced with increasing pressure from shortage of natural resources including fuels, minerals, water and even space. The main purpose of economy can be focused on rationally planning allocating of the existent resources, in order to boost material and efficiency and achieve the best results with them. Besides, economy can help us adjust the production of different goods for the highest benefits of different sectors and nations. Only when each nation and sector is tapping its full potential in its advantageous industries, can they profit from one another’s work, and improve the overall productivity of the whole world.

Philosophy is deemed relatively useless because it is neither intended to solve any practical problems, nor to enhance people’s physical and spiritual conditions as sports and music do. In fact, everyone may have his unique understanding of the world which only suits himself but not others, thus leaving philosophy more like personal thinking habits and debating skills than a really scientific subject.

Useful Expressions

1.  In my view / in my opinion: 依我之见

2.  play a most significant role in… : 在…方面起至关重要的作用

3.  branch subject : 分支学科

4.  be beyond imagination:难以想象

5.  be dependent on:依赖于

6.  boost material efficiency:*物质利用的效率

7.  somebody is faced with:某人面临着… = be confronted with

8.  shortage of natural resources : 自然资源的缺乏

9.  neither…nor…:既不…也不…

10. In fact:事实上

Advanced Phrases

1. micro-physics :微观物理学

2. fumble way out : 摸索出路

3. explore into outer-space:探索外太空

4. new residential planets : 新的可居住星球

5. focus on : 聚焦于

6. optimize the use of available resources:优化现有资源的利用

7. boost efficiency : 促进效率

8. tap the full potential:充分挖掘潜能

9. be deemed to : 注定

10. enhance people’s physical and spiritual conditions:*人们的身体和心理素质

Useful Sentences

1. In my view, the most important two subjects here are certainly physics and economy.


e.g. In my view, the most important two issues are certainly population growth and energy consumption.


2. Physics plays a most significant role in the overall development of science and technology.


e.g. Solar energy plays a most significant role in the overall development of human beings.


3. Without the advanced studies in its branch subjects like dynamics, electronics and micro-physics, most of modern conveniences such as automobiles, aero planes, mobile phones, computers and nuclear energy would be beyond imagination.


e.g. Without censorship of mass media, efficient prevention of hazardous information from spreading would be beyond imagination.


4. Economy is also very important in the sense of optimizing the use of available resources on our planet.


e.g. Modern technology is also very important in the sense of increasing the convenience of living.


5. Nowadays, mankind is faced with increasing pressure from shortage of natural resources including fuels, minerals, water and even space.


e.g. Nowadays, mankind is faced with increasing population and decreasing farmland.


6. The main purpose of economy can be focused on rationally planning allocating of the existent resources.


e.g. The main purpose of attracting foreign direct investment can be focused on boosting domestic economy.


7. Besides, economy can help us adjust the production of different goods for the highest benefits of different sectors and nations.


e.g. Besides, moral education can help students adjust their behaviors to mainstream values of a society.


8. Only when (each nation and sector is tapping its full potential in its advantageous industries), can they…


e.g. Only when such regulations are strictly implemented, can we expect a safer environment.


9. Philosophy is deemed relatively useless.


e.g. Those who move against the historic trend is deemed to be a failure.


10. It is neither intended to solve any practical problems, nor to enhance people’s physical and spiritual conditions as sports and music do.


e.g. Such little increase in taxes on fuels can neither influence car owners nor restrict car use






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