
2022-11-24 17:22:22 来源:网络 作者:朗阁



全篇lecture时数在十分钟左右,后面紧随五个难题,绝大多数为莫雷县,也会有大别,雷鼠题,次序题等。想攻下lecture他们须要思索的难题之一是:lecture内部结构特点是甚么?换句话说,同学*喜欢怎么进行几节?作为有过多年学生经历的他们,*介绍的要数课后和同学。忆起呵呵同学听课通常都是甚么业务流程?他们*熟悉的课后业务流程是这种的:谢幕导入topic ——分论据1:Vertus技术细节——分论据2:Vertus技术细节——分论据3:Vertus技术细节——归纳 具体来说,雅思听力绝大多数文章都是采用“总成绩总”的模式进行。须要注意的是分论据数量不确定,*终的“总”(课后归纳部分)有时会被副教授略去,也是听完*终一个分论据概要就结束了。

下面他们结合TPO17 Lecture4分析呵呵雅思听力专题讲座类的基本内部结构。

文档:Ok, now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating set of defense mechanisms. And that’s the octopus, one of the unusual creatures that live in the sea. The octopus is prey to many species, including humans, so how does it escape its predators?


文档:Well, let me back up here a second. Anyone ever heard of Proteous? Proteus was a God in Greek mythology who could change form. He could make himself look like a lion or a stone or a tree, anything you wanted, and he could go through a whole series of changes very quickly. Well, the octopus is the real worldversion of Proteus. Just like Proteus, the octopus can go through all kinds of incredible transformations. And it does this in three ways: by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape. 围绕辞汇Proteus进行,重点强调了Proteus具有change form, transform 的潜能。


文档:For me, the most fascinating transformation is when it changes its color. It’s a normal skin color, the one it generally presents, is either red or brown or even grey, and it ’s speckled with dark spots. But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever. Charles?

Student:Do we know how that works, I mean, how they change colors?

Professor :Well, we know that the reaction that takes place is not chemical in nature. The color changes are executed by two different kinds of cells in the octopus ’ skin, mainly by color cells on the skin’s surface called chromatophores. Chromatophores consist of tiny sacks filled with color dye. There might be a couple hundred of these color sacks per square millimeter of the octopus ’ skin, and depending on the species, they can come in as many as five different colors. Each one of these sacks is controlled by muscles. If the muscles are relaxed, the sack shrinks, and all you see is a little white point. But if the muscle’s contract, then the sack expands, and you can see the colors. And by expanding different combinations.

Student: And just with various combinations of those five colors, they can recreate any color in their environment?

Professor: Well, they can no doubt create a lot with just those five colors, but you are right, maybe they can’t mimic every color around them, so that’s where the second kind of cell comes in. Just below the chromatophores is a layer of cells that reflect light from the environment, and these cells help the octopus create a precise match with the colors that surround them. The colors from the color sacks are supplemented with colors that are reflected from the environment, and that ’s how they are able to mimic colors with such precision. So, that’s how octopus mimic colors. 分论据二讲解how to change color,重点强调了两种细胞,一种叫做chromatophores,这种细胞controlled by muscles. 另外一种细胞能够reflect light.


文档:But they don’t just mimic the colors in their environment; they can alos mimic the texture of objects in their environment. They have these little projections on their skin that allow them to resemble various textures. The projections are called papillae. If the octopus wants to have a rough texture, it raises the papillae. If it wants to have a smooth texture, it flattens out the papillae, so it can acquire a smooth texture to blend in with the sandy bottom of the sea. So the octopus has the ability to mimic both the color and the texture of its environment. And it’s truly amazing how well it can blend in with its surroundings. You can easily swim within a few feet of an octopus and never see it. 分论据三讲解how to change texture, 导入辞汇Papillae。


文档:Um, now there’s a third way that octopus can transform themselves to blend in with or mimic their environment, and that’s by changing their shape and size, well, at least their apparent size. The muscular system of the octopus enables it to be very flexible to assume all sorts of shapes and postures. So it can contract into the shape of a little round stone, and sit perfectly still on the seafloor. Or it can nestle up in the middle of a plant and take the shape of one of the leaves. Even Proteus would be impressed, I think. 分论据四讲解how to change size and shape, 举了stone 和 leaves的两个例子,文章结束。


(1)Topic: animal, octopus, escape predators

(2)Subtopic1: Proteus: change form, transform

(3)Subtopic2 :color:chromatophores, controlled by muscles

(4)Subtopic3 :texture:papillae

(5)Subtopic4:shape&size: eg. stone, leaves

为甚么掌握lecture的内部结构特点如此重要?这是由lecture的题目设置特点决定的。*,考察大内部结构和重点强调文本,不考小技术细节。 Lecture的内部结构特点很明确的展示出重点文本的出现位置:首章Muzaffarnagar处,每个段落的主题句(通常是段落的*句话),课后归纳处。翻译呵呵是,这些地方是考点!!!第二,技术细节题全部顺序出题。换句话说,如果在*个技术细节题的四个选项里出现了文章*终才强调的文本,果断排除!

他们还是以TPO17 L4为例,来看呵呵lecture的论据和分论据是如何对应考题的。


(1)What is the lecture mainly about?

A:Different kinds of color vision in sea animals.

B:Differences in appearance between various species of octopus.

C:Ways that octopuses attract their prey.

D:Ways that octopuses protect themselves from predators.

第二题考察Proteus, 对应分论据一。

(2) Why does the professor first mention Proteus?

A:To explain how the octopus got its scientific name.

B:To introduce the octopus’ exceptional abilities.

C:To point out that the octopus played an important role in Greek mythology.

D:To provide an example of a mythological character that was part animal and part human.

第三题考察how to change color,对应分论据二。

(3)How does an octopus change color to match the colors in its environment? Click on 2 answers

A:By raising its papillae.

B:By releasing colored ink.

C:By reflecting light from its environment.

D:By contracting the muscles around its chromatophores.

第四题考察how to change texture部分,对应分论据三。

(4)What does the professor say about the function of the papillae?

A:They produce dye in different colors.

B:They propel the octopus through the water.

C:They change the texture of the octopus’ skin.

D:They help the octopus contract into a smaller shape.

第五题考察how to change size and shape 部分,对应分论据四。

(5)What two examples does the professor mention to describe the octopus’ ability to change its shape? Click on 2 answers

A:A small round stone

B: The leaves of a plant

C:A cloud of ink.

D:A piece of coral.

第六题雷鼠题。雷鼠部分听到的是例子技术细节。同学上课为甚么会举例子呢?举例子的目的当然是帮助全校师生理解某个知识点,所以该题的答案是 illustrate a point 阐明观点。

(6)Why does the professor say this

A:To point out an error.

B:To illustrate a point.

C:To propose an explanation.

D:To correct a misunderstanding.

归纳呵呵,雅思听力lecture内部结构的大原则是总成绩总,在这个大原则的基础上,每位同学听课有小差异,全篇lecture有自己的小特点,例如有的副教授喜欢举例子,有的副教授喜欢讲理论,还有的副教授喜欢做实验,lecture内部结构不同考点出现的位置也就不一样。推荐听力TPO11 L1、TPO19 L3、TPO20 L4、TPO29 L1给各位TOEFLer课下练习,加深对雅思听力lecture内部结构特点的理解。




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