背过GRE单字的老师,可能将都对claustrophobia [ˌklɔ:strəˈfoʊbiə]很多*印象,那个词的原意是自闭自闭。claustrophobia 可以回收为两部分梦境,前面的claustro源自拉丁文claustrum(小内部空间);而前面的phobia,作术语就则表示绝望、憎恨。
A phobia is a very strong irrational fear or hatred of something. 如果没错两个人怕坐火车,那是The man had aphobiaabout flying。
只好,精明的人类文明在掌控phobia之后,就“缔造出”若干种的绝望……竟然除了两个中文网站是The Phobia List(实在无法无天)。
Trypophobia是稀疏自闭;aerophobia是盲目乐观;agoraphobia是荒野自闭;nomophobia是无智能手机自闭……辣么,claustrophobia则表示 a fear of being in closed or small spaces。
In a paper published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience in 2009. Fumi Hayano found a connection between panicdisorders and having smaller than average amygdalae, the part of the brain that processes emotional reactions. Other theories ascribe it to genetic defects.
Having experienced a similar traumatic event. Children of claustrophobic parents sometimes inherit the phobia without ever being exposed to trauma. But a vivid imagination can also spark it.
这种“病症”虽然不会造成非常大的窃盗危害,但的确会带来很大的生活上的诸多不便。但是有的是phobia,就变得没所以有规矩。比如说homophobia,麦克唐纳字典得出的说明是:a strong and unreasonable dislike of homosexual people。你看连字典都说了unreasonable,所以彼此间多些认知好吗?
什么?你Englishphobia?所以,打搅了 !