
2019-04-18 00:38:41 来源:网络 作者:yawen




  Abraham Lincoln 当时作为 Republican candidate for the Senate(代表共和党的国会候选议员)与 incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas(代表民主党的当时在任国会议员)之间针锋相对的进行了7次关于 slavery 的辩论。

  其中,Lincoln(后来的美国第16任总统)提出的对于政府及 public sentiment(公众情绪)的定位和理解很值得我们思考。平时遇到的政府类话题,我们基本上都可以尝试考虑下某个 measure or policy 对于公众的影响,以及是否符合 the general public 的诉求和利益,从而展开论述。


  知道政府是谁后,我们要解决的第二个问题就是政府和公民个人之间的关系,到底是公民依赖政府去解决问题,还是政府需要公民的个人贡献?如果是 shared responsibilities,那怎么去 justify 我们的 argument?

  套路又来了,学完 Lincoln 的演讲,下一个学习的 master 是充满传奇/故事的 JFK 总统。

  In 1961, John F. Kennedy sworn in as the 35th president of the U.S. In his inaugural address, he famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”He asked the nations of the world to join together to fight what he called the “common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.”

  The President wished:

  to discuss a topic on which too often ignorance abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived—yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace ... I speak of peace because of the new face of war… in an age when a singular nuclear weapon contains ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied forces in the Second World War ... an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and air and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn ... I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men ... world peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor—it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance ... our problems are man-made—therefore they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants.


  President Kennedy 的名言 “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” 估计宝宝们都已经烂熟于心了,是时候在考场中灵活运用了。对于公民 or 个人对于公共事务和重要问题的作用,JFK总统也给了我们一个很好的论证角度—our problems are man-made—therefore they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants.





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