
2019-04-18 21:53:31 来源:网络 作者:wang



PART 1 基础题

话题数量: 30-35组,换题比例: 30%-40%

*类:必需准备的话题。也就是我们常说的基础题必考话题 (优先练习)

A. Study/work(在校生无需准备work)。从Do you work or are you a student 开始,问题都是关于学习or工作的*基本信息。超过50%的考生遇到的*组话题都是它。不准备就等着狗带吧~

B. Hometown/where you live。问题相似,差别在于一个是家乡,一个是现在居住的城市。一般涉及对该城市的喜好和评价。30%左右的考生会在*组话题中遇到。属于“即使裸考也要提前想想”的一类重要话题。

C. Accommodation。出现频率相对低一些,但也是常年存在题库中的高频话题。

D.  changes in your neighbourhood. 新加入进来的必考话题。主要问你住的地方附近的一些变化和待改善的地方。


Watching the sky





Coffee and tea

Film stars





Daily commute




birthdays, being busy, being polite, buildings, childhood, clothes, fruits, games, getting along with others, language learning, meals, nature, neighbours, reading, relatives, staying up late, swimming, sunny and rainy days, toys.

PART 2&3 卡片题&*题

话题数量: 50组左右,换题比例: 50%



1. 漂亮的人

Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

2. 想一起工作学习的人

Describe someone you would like to work or study with.

3. 聪明的人

Describe an intelligent person you know.

4. 有趣的老人

Describe an interesting old person you met.

5. 儿时的偶像

Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up.


6. 新建的公共设施

Describe a new public facility, such as a road, a park, or a shopping center, which improves your local area.

7. 理想的房子

Describe an ideal house.


8. 节日的食物

Describe a kind of food people eat on special occasions.

9. 买了不常用的东西

Describe something you bought but don't use very often.


10. 拾金不昧

Describe a time you found something someone lost.

11. 朋友的成功

Describe a friend’s success that you were proud of.

12. 不满意的服务

Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.

13. 户外运动

Describe an outdoor sport you would like to try for the first time.

14. 健康方式

Describe an activity you do to stay healthy.

15. 历史阶段

Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you want to know more about.

16. 之前不喜欢现在感兴趣的科目

Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest now.

17. 休闲时光

Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school.

18. 谎言

Describe a situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth.

19. 想做没时间做的事

Describe something you want to do but don’t have time for.

20. 祖辈的工作

Describe a job your grandparent did.

21. 帮助学习工作的事

Describe something you do that helps your work or study.

22. 教授技能

Describe a time you taught a young person how to do a thing.


23. 好消息

Describe a piece of good news you recently heard on TV or the Internet.



人物类(预计新题数量 ★★)

a neighbour

a child

a creative person

a leader you admire

a good parent

a happy marriage

地点类(预计新题数量 ★★★)

a street or road

a restaurant/cafe

a place that helped you learn another culture

a big company

a tall/unusual building

a place you would like to work/study in

a river/lake

物品类 (预计新题数量  ★★★)

a photo

sth that’s produced in your country

a statue or other work of art

your first mobile phone

a piece of clothing

something you ate for the first time

an old object

an invention

事件经历类(预计新题数量  ★★★★★)

a group/team you were a member of

a time when you were late

a conversation

a prize you would like to win

a positive change in your life

a wedding

a situation that made you angry

a mistake you once made

something you shared with others

a time you got up/arrived early

a time you or someone moved

a time someone visited your home

a meal you had

媒体及其它(预计新题数量  ★★)

a story someone told you

a piece of advice

an APP or a social networking site

a song

an environmental problem

a good habit





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