
2019-04-19 03:45:26 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编





  “Many responsible tourists pay attention to preserving the environment and culture of places they visit. Others think it is impossible to be responsible tourists. What are the reasons and solutions? ”


  ourism has boomed throughout the world in the past few decades, and this puts tremendous amount of pressure on the protection of local environment and culture. Many people with pessimistic bend of mind even think that we as individuals cannot be responsible tourists, even if we want to.

  There are three factors that may prevent us from being responsible for the environment and culture of the places we visit. To begin with, some scenic spots do not have the necessary measures or facilities to help the tourists in their efforts to protect the environment and culture. A few natural reserves I have been to, for example, are not even fenced so that the tourists could explore every corner of them, nor do they have enough recycling bins so many tourists have no choice but litter here and there. Another factor has much to do with our habit or psychology of being a tourist. When we get to a new place, our natural inclination is to bring something back home as some sort of souvenir, even if it is just a flower, a plant, or a small piece of soil. Meanwhile, we also wish to leave our footprints in the new place we visit, like some graffiti on the walls and trees. All these seem rather trivial and harmless, yet when a million people are doing the same thing, an irrevocable destruction to the local environment and culture will surely occur. Finally, in order to maximize their profits, some tourist attractions will do everything to attract the tourists, which means they may change the local environment and culture to cater to the needs of tourists and when more and more tourists come rushing into these places, it will only be a matter of time when these places are contaminated and eventually ruined.

  To solve the problem, we need to improve the quality of the tourist attractions management and our environment awareness as well. For instance, there should be some regulations that limit the daily number of tourists to a spot and there should be warning signs, equipment and facilities to help the tourists to be more responsible for the environment. Most importantly, people should be given enough education and made to realize how important responsible tourists are to the environment.








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