雅思听力同义替换有哪些考点需要掌握?在近两年的雅思听力考试中,填空题几乎占据大半江山,除此之外,选择题和配对题也是雅思听力必考题型,而对于这两个题型来说,其中*重要的一点就是 - 同义替换。下面小编整理了雅思听力同义替换的相关内容和大家分享,快和小编一起来看看吧!
1. 给:give =donate = offer = issue = provided = entitle
2. 收:get = receive= obtain = have
3. 借:borrow = gethold of = out
4. 上交:give out =hand out
1. 原题:The students in financial difficulties can receive assistance to buy books.
原文:But remember, full-time students can get a low-interest loan of up to six hundred dollars to buy books and for similar study-related expenses.
授受关系替换: receive = get
2. 原题:Dan says the charity relies on getting enough bicycles to send regularly.
原文:But in order to continue operating we need to have a constant supply of bikes which we send out every six months.
授受关系替换: get = have
如:我送给你一个礼物 = 你从我这里收到了一个礼物
1. 原题:The counselling service may contact tutors if they don’t inform students about their progress.
原文:We can also chase up your tutor if you’re not getting proper feedback on how youare getting on in your subject.
原题主语:they(tutor) – 动作:inform
原文主语:you(student) – 动作:get
老师通知学生成绩 = 学生(从老师处)获取成绩
2.原题:Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive a free gift.
原文:In return, we’ll send you a thank-you present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items.
解析:顾客收到礼物 – 我们送礼物给顾客
3. 原题:A meal is provided in the hotel.
原文:You can get a meal in the hotel if you want to, and there’s no charge for it so you might as well.
解析:(酒店)*饭食 – 你能获得饭食
4. 原题:Also offers private classes.
And could I get a private lesson there?
I think so … let me check, yes, they do offer those.
公司*私人课程 – 学生上(获得)私人课程
5. 原题:Clients who return get a 20% discount.
原文:And this company has a special deal for clients where they offer a discount of 20% if you return for a further class.
解析:顾客获得折扣 – 公司*折扣