
2023-02-13 14:05:40 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思口语答题模板 很多人指出,雅思口语是笔试中极其困难的一小部分,自学技术难度很大。小编指出,如果你掌握了很多基本功,通过常规雅思口语答题模板进行体能训练,积累起来后会很难识别出来。很难找到模板。以下是雅思口语答题模板 雅思口语答题模板 *,与*见面时用词。 Glad to meet you here. How nice to see you.





Glad to meet you here.

How nice to see you.

Fancy seeing you.

How are you?

Im glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.

Im glad to meet you.

Im pleased to meet you.

Its a pleasure to meet you.


Sorry,could you...


Pardon me...

Excuse me...

I missed that.

I didnt quite catch what you said.

I am sorry I didnt hear what you said.

Could you repeat what you said,please?

Could you say that again,please?

Would you mind repeating that,please?


Sorry,I dont quite follow you.

Im not sure what you mean by that.

I dont quite see what you mean.

I dont quite catch your meaning.

I dont understand what youve just said.

Im sorry.I didnt quite clearly comprehend what you said.So would you like to slow down a little bit so that I can catch you,please?

Could you please explain what you mean by…?

When you say...,do you mean..?

Do you mean..?


What I mean is...

What Im trying to say is...

In other words,…

And that means...

Let me put it another way,…

What Im suggesting is...

If I can rephrase that...

Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say...

The point Im making is that...


Well,let me see...


You know...

Its like this.

Oh,let me think for a minute.

Im not sure;Ill have to check.

Thats a very interesting question.

Let me lust think about that for a second.

Could you give me a minute to think about that?

Well,as a matter of fact...






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