
2023-02-15 22:19:53 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思独立写作考题自述:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 雅思写作ppt Universities should require every graduation students to take public speaking courses.雅思写作试题分析:写作要点:1. every 大*生;2. 演讲课 ; 3. 毕业于理工学院 graduation 

雅思独立写作考题自述:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:


Universities should require every graduation students to take public speaking courses.雅思写作试题分析:写作要点:1. every 大*生;2. 演讲课 ; 3. 毕业于理工学院 graduation 




这是其他地方无法比拟的妥协部分:虽然为大多数*生开设这种专业课程会给*园带来资金和物力的经济负担,但从长远规划来看,优势低于第二种OR方式:总观点:如果不一致同意,不如明确规定大部分*生都要上这种专业课。:对于文科*生来说,liberal arts students,如果上了演讲专业课程。


--即使他们的理工学院毕业后主要从事学生、富商、辩护律师和商品*组织,良好的书面理解潜力对他们的组织成功至关重要。:sciencencence面对人文科学。 对于students来说,他们不需要拉开序幕来谈论专业课程——即使对于将来会成为开发者、医生和科学家的人来说,每周花几个半小时自学如何更快地说服自己坚信自己,是不会把这些天数花在让她们做得更快的研究结果上的枭女。


他们依靠自己的研究成果来获得成功的参考箴/参考门路一:Universities are places where students prepare themselves for future lives both intellectually and emotionally.Therefore,how school authorities arrange curriculum can easily spark the public’s concern.While some educators oppose making a speaking course mandatory,I think the course is indispensable.


First,such course will pave a foundation for students’future career/cater to post-university goals.|解释-即使|Almost every profession requires/necessitates solid public speaking ability.|总括|Even writers,who are considered a solitary winning their fame/popularity for nothing but their supreme writing skills,need to orally clarify their hidden intention in their book tour/promotion campaign,not to mention teachers who have to deliver tailored lecture to students at different comprehending levels and businessmen who have to convince their clients that their products are superior to their rivals.|因此|Therefore,universities which aim to equip students with essential skills for the future career are obligated to shoulder the responsibility to hone students’speaking abilities,no matter which field students major in.|对比|Otherwise,they may lose a very important competitive edge in job hunting.


Universities are the ideal places where students can acquire such ability.|段内妥协|Many educators may be concerned about the existing heavy academic pressure on students,worrying the extra speaking courses will make the situation worse.|解释|However,it is hard to find another place serving the same purpose to compete with universities.Not only can students have a better understanding of how to logically express themselves,how to employ appropriate strategies to communicate people with different cultural background and so on but also they are granted with many opportunities to practice what they have learned/put what they have learned in practice easily.|总括|For example,in class,it is common for students to deliver presentations;after classes,they give impressive speeches to run for a position in School Union;even doing volunteer activities,they have to negotiate with team members about how to motivate team members to contribute.Besides,when they encounter any problem,they can always turn to supervisors and teachers for help.Clearly,it is better for students to develop eloquence at school even though it will impose an extra burden on them.

10.雅思 写作独立 箴

Admittedly,making public speaking class mandatory will be a huge drain on a university’s financial and human resources,such as hiring more professors and scheduling lecture halls in advance to accommodate such a large number of students.However,compared with the benefits in students future career,such difficulty can be overcome by applying for the government’s subsidy.

To conclude,universities do need to require all students to gain so vital ability before their graduation.





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