第二波托福考试和Lizier一起来看看这次又出了什么问题!一月十九日 托福口语考试[考场]托福深圳机考服务中心托福口语 11.study&work2.snack3.birthday4,singing
5.home town 6.the area where you live 7.托福口语Parttechnology 21. 描述你的两个同事或老师2。他们给你的贵重物品3。户外运动4。描述你想在两个之后学习的专业能力。
Part托福口语 31.视频广告关键吗?网上购物关键吗?北欧国家的年轻人会在网上买什么?当代人会买对他们的小东西吗?2.为什么年轻人和老年人讨厌的公益活动不一样?年轻人会讨厌和老年人一起做这样的运动吗?3.信息技术的异同
1月28日 托福口语考试[考场]托福深圳机考服务中心托福口语 11. The area you live in2. LibraryDo you often go to the libraryDo you use the library more when you were a child
Do children like to go to the library in your country3. 你是否经常做Sports运动?你们幼稚园的朋友经常做运动吗?在哪里做体育运动?Part托福口语 2Describe a historical period that you want to learn
more aboutWhen it happened你一开始就知道整个事情了吗?What have you already known aboutAnd why you would like to learn more
Part托福口语 31. In what ways can children learn history in your country2. What are the differences between learning history from books and from movies
3. Is it necessary to protect and preserve the historic building4. Should the government pay for the preservation of historic buildings
1月29日 托福口语考试【考场】托福深圳BC纸笔笔试服务中心托福口语Part 11. study or work2. music3. Part托福口语Part