
2023-02-19 22:41:29 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思7.75算什么分数? CatInterest这个词你不孤单吗?但是除了interest之外, in,您还知道这些搭配吗?这首诗采用了与interest相关的雅思低频、easier搭配。 雅思7.5要分什么? 如果不清楚雅思单词的本意,他们会检查。


CatInterest这个词你不孤单吗?但是除了interest之外, in,您还知道这些搭配吗?这首诗采用了与interest相关的雅思低频、easier搭配。




第1类:属格 interest低频匹配:considerable interest deep interestgreat interest historical interest long-term interest 


musical interest vested interest financial interest business interest语句:They have a vested interest in the success of the company.


I have a variety of musical interests, including folk, classical, electro-trance, Chinese classical and Indian groove.


第2类:属格 interested低频匹配:greatly interested deeply interested particularly interested really interestedvery interested 


quite interested语句:I am deeply interested in mass psychology.Im particularly interested in gardening.


第3类:名词 interested低频匹配:interest rate interest payment interest charge interest group语句:If interest rates are raised, debt payments for some may become untenable.


第4类:介词 interest低频匹配:out of interest for interestof interest语句:I watched the video out of interest.第5类:interest 介词

低频配搭:interest among interest from interest in语句:The lecture generated interest from many fields.第6类:动词 interest

低频配搭:take an interest have an interest show an interest lose interest attract interest generate interest 

spark interestbe of interest maintain interest share an interest pay interest语句:I lost interest in the celebrity very quickly after he was arrested.

We share many interests so we get along very well.The above are collocations. In other words, if you use ‘interested’ with another word besides those in the above list, you will need to make sure it is suitable, otherwise, the ‘mis-match’ will be very noticeable and even strange.

For example, if you said, “Im completely interested in collecting stamps”, then the phrase ‘completely interested’ would be instantly noticed and considered incorrect. What does it even mean, ‘completely interested’? It does not even make sense. In other words, completely does not collocate with interest. Instead, the speaker most likely means “Im particularly interested in collecting stamps.

Increase your score by using proper collocations as it indicates you understand which words pair with other words. The best way to improve your collocation understanding is by reading, as you will notice over time which words go with which words. 

以上就是我今天拿的雅思干货。祝你早日与雅思分手。来啊!以上是“雅思7分” 不可或缺的36个与interest相关的低频匹配”介绍爱思,您的教育规划师,为*雅思培训机构*免费试听课程,*了解费用明细、排名、校园地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。





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