
2019-04-20 01:08:15 来源:网络 作者:yawen




  In today's world,the ability to cooperate well with others is more important than before.Do you agree or disagree?

  这个题目中的核心词汇包括cooperate以及than before。很多学生在行文过程中,都忽略了对before这个词的解读。全文都在谈如今合作有多么重要,而没有与过去为什么合作不那么重要进行对比。

  再如:The car has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to.Do you agree or disagree?


  First and foremost,there are more alternatives to cars. Automobile is a kind of short-distance transportation,which is used mostly in daily life but also cause some problem like traffic congestion.Therefore,in order to solve the serious traffic problem,the government implements a gamut of proposals,encouraging people to take other transportations,to name a few,railway,bus and subway.Subway,for specific example,was quickly accepted by the public and spectacularly convenient.Intensively developing in recent decades,the subway attracts more people attributes to its cheap price and,especially,punctuality.To compared,individuals should pay the cost of gasoline,parking and maintenance for their private cars,which is more expensive than a two dollars’ subway ticket.Also,another perk of subway is that passengers will never be saddle with the problem of traffic congestion because subway always has its own lane.As a result,more and more people have the tendency to choose subway over privet cars.On the contrary,as the only long-distance transportation,air-plane,as a monopoly in the sky,does not have any alternative recently and has a wider improving spectrum in the future.






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