
2023-02-27 14:54:23 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
托福考试12月出分高吗 一月七日实体店托福笔试学生人数大幅增加,收集到的笔试自述又快又详细!托福分立书面写作是半年内多次重复的*翻译,我们应该再次警告我们,不要真的回答你见过的问题。ETS可能会低频重复这类专业课,即使那些问题很有发展性;此外,综合书面语Task 二是又考了特定的构象,这也是*近三个月的第三次考试,假设你还不知道什么是混合立场,请大量补漏伯粉...以上可以查看详细的自述


一月七日实体店托福笔试学生人数大幅增加,收集到的笔试自述又快又详细!托福分立书面写作是半年内多次重复的*翻译,我们应该再次警告我们,不要真的回答你见过的问题。ETS可能会低频重复这类专业课,即使那些问题很有发展性;此外,综合书面语Task 二是又考了特定的构象,这也是*近三个月的第三次考试,假设你还不知道什么是混合立场,请大量补漏伯粉...以上可以查看详细的自述


2023.1.7实体店托福分立写作考题自述:【英语自述】whether reducing the number of school days while 每天晚上增加自学?*生(6-18岁)是否被容纳六天假期(读书天数从五天增加到四天),但*园每晚上课天数增加90分钟?


【英语自述】Recently, some primary, middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day. In your view, is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number of school days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?


2023.1.7实体商店分立书面语考题自述:Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study and they should therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.


Disagree-Not all students should be required to take one humanities course like literature or philosophy. 


-For students who major in other subjects like math or science, taking such a course could be a waste of time and money. Their GPAs may also be affected that way.


-If some students are really interested in literature or philosophy, they can totally take these classes as optional ones. There is no need to have such a requirement for all.


2023.1.7实体店综合口写考题自述:综合写作:阅读主要讲pine beetles对mountain pine tree的damage有三个有限因素:-冬季冷稚虫无法生存-trees flush with beetles by sap

-爱olddoles trees,natural fire可以让young trees replace听力一一反驳:-现在冬天*气温比以前高7-10度,冬天少了,幼虫可以活,beetles不容易被杀死。

-人的活动,水少,地下水低,不能产生sap,可以阻止攻击-森林管理阻止火灾/火灾*小化,young trees不能长出综合性书面语:Task 2:【具体混合立场构象】rental dormitory to travelers

阅读:letter说*园要把one of 租赁dormitory,一方面赚钱,另一方面有利于young travellers听力不完全同意:男孩一开始反对说实际cost也很多,do make money but not much,后来支持说学生对周围环境非常了解,对young非常了解。 traveller是一件好事。

Task 3:vegetative strawberry是一种植物种植方法,production例子,reproduce from part of parent 在plant听力中谈论草莓,使用seeds。 这是unique plant,这种繁殖方法可以使草莓又大又甜。 like parent plant

Task 4:two solutions to adress the problems of cooperation learning1. supportive atmosphere,要建立guidelineline

2. 要keep independent part,例子是分part为学生readd。 and share main conversationpoint听力:教poetryryprof lesson,同学们希望为姐姐的婚礼作诗找到他的指导,他说create和appreciate给了两个suggestion,下学期其中一位同学开设的课程太晚了,另一位是poetry。 club






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