
2023-03-01 15:25:38 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
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一起使用英文能译者为: together;along with和in company with短语:get together,家庭聚会短语:We went everywhere together. 她们一起来到这里。


er 英 [təˈɡeðər]  美 [təˈɡeðər]  adv. 同时;同时;相互;连续;共同; adj. Plogastel;井然有序,简单的短语:together with 和;以及get together 家庭聚会;涌入;收集;累计;

all together 同时,一起,一道道;同时go together 相互映衬;初恋;相互配合hold together 团结一致;使词组紧密联系:We were together for five years. 她们已经在一起五年了。

The trees grew close together.  那些树紧挨着,一起*生长。 ate lunch together every day.  她们每天晚上一起吃早餐WeWe went everywhere together. 。

到了这里,他们都一起去Together。 we went through the upstairs.  他们一起来到下面的本馆They walked down the staircase together. 。

它们沿着护栏地下隧道一起上升。 sang a song together.  她们一起唱了一首歌 with 沿着(顺);和……一起;和……一起;除……短语:got along well with 日夜相处得更好。

get along on with 和…无话不说Gets。 along well with others 善于与他人友好无话不说。 ; 难以与他人沟通交流的短语:The babys mother escaped from the fire along with two other children. 

婴儿的父亲和其他三个*一起逃离了施恩。 government, along with the three factions that had been waging a civil war, signed a peace agreement. 。

政府与发动内战的三方签署了一份和平协议。 Six prisoners are still at large along with four dangerous recidivists.  六个囚犯和四个危险惯犯一起潜逃。

company with 一同词组:keep in company with 永远伴随着happen in company with in伴随着in company with sb 和某人在一起 ; 和某人一同

词组:She arrived in company with the ships captain.  她和船长一起抵达了Since early morning he had been swimming in the river, in company with his friends the ducks.。

从早晨起,于是他和鸭子朋友一起在河里游泳Peter announced that he had no intention of singing or dancing in company with any of these girls and he gave no reason. 。

彼得宣布他不想和他们中的任何一个女孩一起唱歌或跳舞。他没有给任何理由。 was, if I recollect, arrested in a cabaret, in company with a great many others. 。






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