
2023-03-01 16:08:58 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
我不会讲英语怎么翻译 希望对准备认真*英语的同学有所帮助。为了赢得更多,我们热烈欢迎稳定而高度重视。 我不会说英语,译者不会说英语? 自学英语数据资料,如果你对这篇文章有难题也热烈欢迎指正。






我不能说能翻译成I would not say,I cant speak和I wont tell这样的句子:So, no, I wouldnt say shes my competitor.所以,我不能说她是我的竞争者。


句子:1.我不能说这种外语教学I。 dont speak the lingo. 我想自己学习口语,即使我的父母都是*人,但是我不会说口语!I would like to learn Chinese because my parents are Chinese but I cannot speak Chinese! 。


我在那个组织工作中做得很好——我从来没有去过葡萄牙;更重要的是,我不能说加泰罗尼亚语I。 couldnt do the job—Ive never been to Spain and, more to the point, I dont speak Spanish. 。


我不能说任何英语,但是我看到*人在网上也有类似的Newrite词汇,即使他们用英语聊天,I也是如此。 cant speak much Chinese but I can still see evidence that the Chinese have the same kind of separate instant-messaging language, even when they chat in English. 。


我不能说那确实是好的,但是坏的,而且它是一种疾病吗? will not say for sure is it good or bad, and whether it is a disease at all. 。


所以我不能说这种展览是真实的历史,而是宣传This is why I would not call this exhibition real history but propaganda. 7.她在后来的采访中抱怨道:“我不能说这么无知的话。


I wouldnt have said anything that dumb, she complained in later interviews. 8.看粗线,我同意你的看法,你说很难。我不能说不难,但我会说目前还不清楚,也没有更好的介绍。为什么呢?

Have a look at the bold lines I agree with you and you said it is tricky I would say no it is not tricky but I would say it is not clear it is not well presented, why? 

所以,我不能说她是我的竞争对手So, no, I wouldnt say shes my competitor. 10.如果我多年后回顾这段经历,我不能说这是*激动人心的,也不能说这是*累、*难或*让我煞费苦心的生活。

In years to come, I wont remember this as the most exciting period of my life. Nor will I think of it as the most tiring, or difficult, or intellectually demanding. 

11.科兹洛斯基说:“把它比作智商-我不能说它有争议,我只是没有看到任何支持这种说法的依据,”Likening it to intelligence - I wouldnt call it controversial, I just dont see any evidence to support it," Kozlowski says. 。

我不能说我已经有了自己关于什么是极简主义的想法,即使我没有任何固定的想法。 wouldnt say Ive reached my own ideals of what minimalism is, because I dont have any set ideals. 。

可是那天我去他们家的时候,我一遍又一遍地说,*能说的意大利语就是:“我不能说意大利语”But the day I got there, all I knew was "Non parlo italiano," and I said it all the time. 。

但是我不能说But。 Im not telling. 我不能说你必须坚持Im。 not saying you have to keep up. 我不能说这是一种治疗方法,我会说这是一种控制疼痛的有效方法。

I wouldnt say its a cure. I will say its an effective method of controlling pain. 17.他说:“多多少少我知道11个即将开始的人,包括门将,但是我不能说出来。

"More or less I know the 11 that will start, including the goalkeeper, but I am not going to say," he said. 

现在,我不能说组织工作人员的餐馆里没有动物性食物, I’m not going to say there’s no more animal-based food in the staff dining room. 。

19.这是一个浪费天数已经讨论过很多次的情况,所以我不能说得太详细。 is one time waster that has been talked about many many times before, so I won’t go into it in too much detail. 。

20.我不能在赛季结束前说任何话。说实话,我在这里还有三个月。我只想*持良好的表现,直到赛季结束。 the season is over, theres nothing I can really say on the matter. To be quite honest Im here for three months and my heart is set on playing well for that period until the end of the season. 。

对不起,海关官员,我不能说英语。这是我儿子给你写的一封信。请看看Excuse。 me, I cant speak English. This is the letter which my son wrote to you, Thank you! 。





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