
2023-03-01 16:10:36 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
英文单词write学习相关内容 希望对准备认真*英语的同学有所帮助。我们热烈欢迎稳定高度重视,以赢得更多。 科学技术知识多样的英文字是否写出来? 自学英语数据资料,如果你对这篇文章有难题也热烈欢迎指正。






所写的英文字是write,其后一种是wrote,属于written,当时不定式是writing语句:Ill write it up on the board.要把它写在白板上的句子:Write me while youre away. 。


出门前夕给我写信给Can写信。 he read and write? 能否投票写表决?I had plenty of space to write and sew. 在诗歌创作和木工I方面,我有足够的室内空间 have to write up the notes for homework. 。


我必须详细地写下Nomeny教材Illl。 write it up on the board. 在白板上写上Whichich opera did Verdi write first? 这部芭蕾舞剧是普契尼写的*部?


How do I write an email offline? 怎样在app上写邮件?He told us not to write more than three sides. 他说他们的绘画永远不要低于四面纸。


Those who could not write signed with a cross. 无法绘画的人被膏药代替亲笔签名We had to write a composition on the subject "My Pet." 。


他们必须写一篇关于“我的宠物”主题的作文。 hopes to write a book about his experiences one day. 他希望有一天能写一本关于他自己经历的书。 a good mind to write and tell your parents about it. 。


我真的很想给你父母写信,说他们是Uh。-oh. I forgot to write that letter. 哦,我忘了写那封信。 had to write a report on the project. 。

她必须为这个项目写一份报告II。 have been moved to write a few lines of verse. 我曾经被感动得写了几行诗We。 asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown. 。

她们要求杰森写一篇与家乡有关的短文You。 write very movingly of your sister Amys suicide. 你写了你妹妹埃米的自杀,这让人感到非常难过。 people write with their left hand than with their right. 。

用左手画画的人比用左手画画的人少Stewart, a Yale man, was invited to stay on and write the script. 耶鲁人斯图尔特,请留下来写这个剧本Illll。 write and apologize. Ive had it on my conscience for weeks. 

我要写信道歉好几个星期了。到目前为止,我对此感到不安。 can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first. 首先写下你的论点纲要可能会有帮助。

He said he would try to write or call as soon as he reached the Canary Islands. 他说他一到加那利群岛就会尽快给或者打电话。

The subeditors prepare the reporters copy for the paper and write the headlines. 助理编辑处理记者为报刊撰写的稿件,并添加标题WeWe could write a letter to the director. 

她们不妨给主管写一封信Shee。 did at least write to say thank you. 至少她还写了一封信来感谢I。 used to write during my free periods at school. 。

我以后上学的时候经常在空闲天数诗歌创作II put aside half an hour every day to write my diary. 我每天留出半个小时写日记Martin。 shut himself off from the world to write his book. 。

马丁没有与外界接触,专心写书He took a years sabbatical from teaching to write a book. 他休了一年假,写了一本书I。 go through phases where everything I write is just dross. 。






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