
2023-03-01 16:46:06 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
学习关于时间相关英语单词分享 有关天数的英语单词有time(天数)、year(年)、month(月)、day(日)、hour(半小时)、minute(两分钟)和second(秒)等 n.天数语句:1.Time passed, and still Ma did not appear.。 自修中文翻译


有关天数的英语单词有time(天数)、year(年)、month(月)、day(日)、hour(半小时)、minute(两分钟)和second(秒)等 n.天数语句:1.Time passed, and still Ma did not appear.。


天数稍微往后一点,但玛还没有再发生2次。.He asked me the time.他问我天数3.Departure times are 08:15 from Baltimore, and 10:15 from Newark.。

08从新泽西出发的天数是08。:从纽华克出发的时间是10。:154.Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfathers office.在他曾祖父的服务部里,丹尼尔度过了许多天。

5.He wouldnt have the time or money to take care of me.他没有天数,也没有钱照顾我6。.Listen to me, I havent got much time.。

听我说,我没有什么天数7。.Its obvious that you need more time to think.或许你需要更多的天数来思考。 n.年语句:1.He earns about $40 000 a year. 。

他两年约挣 4 多万元2.Ruth hit sixty home runs that year. 那两年,琳达击中了60个盗垒30个.The snake sheds its skin once a year. 。

蛇两年蜕一场皮4.Weve underspent our budget this year. 去年,他们的消费超过了财政预算5。.Hes worked hard all year. 两年来,他一直在努力工作 n.月 

语句:1.Were moving house next month. 下个月他们的存款2.Were going on a trip next month. 她们下个月要去旅游3.The war has entered its second month. 。

第三个月4个月,内战已经进入.For almost a month he lay near death. 他半死不活地躺了将近一个月。.I need to earn a bit extra this month. 。

这个月我需要赚点外快6.Subjects were retested one month later. 一个月后,受试者再次接受检测。 n.天语句:1.The next day was warmer still. 。

第二天暖和了2.We arrived early the next day. 第二天,他们很早就到达了3.It had been a long tiring day. 这一天让人感到疲倦和长4.I wasted an entire day on it. 。

所以我浪费了整整一天五天。.Im still due 15 days leave. 我也应该有15天的假期 n.半小时句子:1.Each game lasts about an hour. 每场比赛大约一半小时2小时。.My flight was an hour late. 

我的航班晚了一半,三个小时。.The interview lasted half an hour. 会议稳定了半个半小时,四个小时。.York was within an hours drive. 开车到约克不能超过一半小时。

5.It never takes more than an hour. 使用的天数从来不超过一个半小时。 n.两分钟语句:1.The cost has gone up to $1.95 a minute. 价格已经上涨到1.95美元一两分钟。

2.Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week. 在劫持过程中,每隔一两分钟就像一周一样。.He doesnt spend every minute toiling away at his desk. 。

他并非每两分钟都在伏案工作4分钟。.This switch controls the number of rotations per minute. 该开关控制着每两分钟的转速5。.She stared stonily at him for a minute. 。

他冷冷地盯着他看了一会儿。 n.秒语句:1.He lost by less than one second. 在不到一秒的时间里,他输掉了比赛2。.Cant you hold still for a second? 。

你们一秒钟都不能动?3.For a few seconds nobody said anything.几秒钟没有人说话。四.It only takes forty seconds.这仅需40秒。





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