这意味着谁的英文单词是who或whom语句:He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him.谁使他沮丧,他常常萧坦思说:1.他是否身心疲惫。
谁在意?So what if he was late. Who cares? 谁说你是另一家餐馆的?太棒了!Who put you onto this restaurant—its great! 所以,谁来做饭,洗碗,剪头发呢?
Who will then do the cooking, the washing, the mending? 这是谁写的?我无法识别字迹Whos this from? I dont recognize the writing. 。
5.“你是谁?”他对别人大喊“Who” are you? he growled at the stranger. 谁策画了核爆炸的难题仍然属于猜测The。 question of who planted the bomb remains a matter of guesswork. 。
谁能反驳他们的崇尚是科学合理的?Who can deny the justice of their cause? 谁使他沮丧,他经常萧坦思He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him. 。
你听说有人突然来到我们这边了吗?Have you heard whos blown into town ? 十.Thererer在谁赢的问题上发生了争吵。 was a difference of opinion over who had won. 。
谁代表金莺队首次出场发球?Whos batting first for the Orioles? 十二.她必须找出谁对She负责。 made it her business to find out who was responsible. 。
除了罗莎,谁能想要这样的事情呢?Who but Rosa could think of something like that? 你猜猜,昨天我在晚会上遇到了谁!Guess who I saw at the party last night!
没有人知道谁掌管那个俱乐部Nobody。 knows who is in control of the club. 十六.谁因此贪吃,把红提全吃光了?Who scoffed all the grapes? 。
你认为谁对那起事故负责?Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident? 十八.谁能反对母性和家庭的温暖?Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie ?
同时,他对他说:“我的邻居是谁?”And he said unto him, "Who is my neighbor?" 嘿,哥们儿,你知道你在和谁说话吗?Look, sunshine, who do you think youre talking to?
减免所得税的主要受益者是谁?Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax? 每个人都想知道这个天才的设计师是谁,People wanted to know who this talented designer was. 。
谁能说明明年会发生什么呢?Who can say what will happen next year? 合同明确规定谁能操作机器Thee? contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery. 。
谁更有可能接任他为党的领袖?Whos the likely successor to him as party leader? 好吧,那么谁想要吐司三明治呢?Right, whos for a toasted sandwich then?
谁有资格加入那个协会?Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association?