表示方式的英语单词包括method;way和means这样的句子:The flour is ground using traditional methods.这种番茄酱是一种以现代方式制作的英语单词: method ; way ; means
句子:1。消除绝望的*方法就是面对绝望。 only way to conquer a fear is to face it. 大致来说,做整个事情有三种方法,Therer are, broadly speaking, two ways of doing this. 。
*持悲观是一种抵抗阻力的方法,Thinking positively is one way of dealing with stress. 他的教学模式非常奇怪,但是His非常成功 teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful. 。
玛格丽特模拟了适当的润肤乳方法Catheriner demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face. 6.有各种各样的大浪淘沙和翻牌方式Thererer are various ways of shuffling and dealing the cards. 。
7.这种番茄酱是由现代陶泥制成的。 flour is ground using traditional methods. 这种方法是专门为校内外结构设计的The方法。 method is specifically designed for use in small groups. 。
我想出了一个新的方法来做这件事。 worked out a new way of doing it. 十.人文科学的研究方法生成两种数据The research methods of social science generate two kinds of data. 。
11.这种烹饪方法也可以使两面均匀加热This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides. 处理这一难题有三种基本相同的方法。
There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem. 我认为他们的方式令人讨厌I think their methods stink. 。
我们的方式似乎有点不对劲。Werer sort of doing it the wrong way. This是*常用的方法之一。 is one of the most commonly used methods. 。
控制方法主要包括毒死和熏杀Methods of control involved poisoning and fumigation. 差异来源于Thee的计算方法,这是相同的。 discrepancies resulted from different methods of computation. 。
农场已经改用了有机肥的耕作方法The farm has changed over to organic methods. 19.*常用的方法是放射性碳定年法The most frequently used method is radiocarbon dating. 。
20.我永远不会选择任何一种In方式。 no way am I going to adopt any of his methods. 21.政府正在调整一些税务评估方法。 government is rejigging some tax assessment methods. 。
她批评我喂他或者给他换尿布的方法She。 criticizes me for the way I feed or change him. 马尔科姆的工作方式显得极其鲁莽,Malcolms work methods appear amazingly slapdash. 。
冷冻不失为一种很好的储存食物的方法。Freezing isnt a bad way of preserving food.