Come over here and stand by me. 回来站在我旁边He put it on the table by the window. 他把它放在外面的椅子上。 passed by me without noticing me.。
他从我身后走过来,却没有看见我2)到(某个时候):Perhaps she has recovered by now. 那时候,她可能已经复发了The。 sun had set by this time. 此时月亮已经天黑了。
Just be here by eight. 九点前在这里3)由(被)(别人干),主要用作助动词:The postman was bitten by the dog. 货郎给狗咬了Who is that book by?。
谁写了结论?The play was written by a student. 这个影视剧本是两个学校生写的4)(这个形式):We learn to swim by swimming. 她们在划船学校划船。
Please let me know by telegram. 用电报告我Don't judge a man by his clothes. 别以衣着判断人5)乘坐(车、船等):I came by bus(subway).。
我乘公共汽车(地铁)来到We。 are going by the 9:30 train. 她们乘坐9点20分的火车到I prefer to go by plane(boat). 在(本性、业余)上,我宁愿乘飞机(船)去6:
She is generous by nature. 他生来就是慷慨的He was tolerant by temperament. 性格非常包容I am not an actor by profession.。
而我不是业余演员7)by则表示水平尺寸等:Total commodity stocks grew by 4.5 per cent. 商品总库存增加了4.5%,Fares have been increased by 10%.。
票价上涨了10%。The room is thirty feet by twenty. 这个房间长20英寸,宽20英寸。