
2019-04-24 00:36:09 来源:网络 作者:marina



  1文章标题:The Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication

  原句1:Humans made the transition to cultivating plants and tending animals rather abruptly.

  tend: 常用意思 倾向于

  此中意义为 take care of 照看 看管

  原句2: Richard MacNeish suggested that the chance to trade was at the heart of agricultural origins worldwide.

  At the heart of: 此处的heart不是心脏的意思,意义为“在…的中心”

  原句3: People in such places would have had at least two reasons to pursue cultivation and animal raising。

  pursue: 原意是追求,原句中= practice 行为举措

  2文章标题:Coral Reef Communities

  原句1: Space is at a premium on reefs, corals, seaweeds (various forms of algae), sponges, or other organisms cover virtually every surface.

  at a premium 紧缺的 稀缺的

  premium 常用意思为*险费,额外费用


  原句2:Fast-growing, branching corals can grow over slower-growing, encrusting, or massive corals and deny them light.

  Deny them light 此deny 意思不是否认,意为“遮盖阳光”


  原句3: Sponges, soft corals, and seaweeds (algae) can overgrow stony corals and smother them.

  Smother 有使….窒息、 覆盖的意思 此句中含义为压制 抑制


  3文章标题:Honeybee Society

  原句1: Providing the cues are the food-storer bees,

  Providing 意思为if 表示一种假设。

  原句2: The forager knows the colony is low on food and will start paying visits to low-yield sites.

  Pay visits to 意思为去访问 去寻找

  4文章标题:Bioluminescence in Marine Creatures

  原句1: In the water, Sapphirina creates short flashes of a remarkably rich, azure blue light.

  rich: 意为颜色或者气味浓郁的,鲜艳的。

  中文翻译:在冬天,Sapphirina 创造了一个短的,有着丰富靓丽的蔚蓝色短闪光。

  e.g. ...an attractive, glossy rich red color.


  原句2: Within the deep sea, some fish also have a dangling bioluminescent lure.

  Dangle: 常用意思 悬挂 句中含义:诱惑的


  5文章标题:Dinosaurs and Parental Care

  原句1: Many of the small bones found in the nests are associated with jaws and teeth, teeth that show signs of wear.

  Wear: 重用意思 穿戴 此句中特殊含义:磨损

  中文翻译: 很多被发现在巢里面的小骨头都与下颚和那些有着磨损痕迹的牙齿有关。

  e.g. ...a large armchair which showed signs of wear.


  A closer look at the evidence clouds this interpretation.

  Cloud: 此句中做动词,含义为掩盖,使…模糊不清


  原句2: It is hard even to imagine the sort of paleontological discovery that could settle this debate for good.

  for good: permanently 的

  原句3: Although unappreciated, crocodiles are reptiles that are also caring parents.

  Appreciate: 常用意思是感谢 欣赏 此句中意为understand 理解 了解






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