
2023-05-17 15:42:04 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



4-2-2论点结构是一种雅思写作常用的组织结构,它包含一个观点(paragraph 1),两个原因(paragraph 2&3),以及两个例子(paragraph 4&5)。在这种结构中,观点通常是对于某一话题的看法或立场,原因则是对于观点的支持,而例子则是对于原因的具体论证。下面我们来更详细地了解这种组织结构。

*段(paragraph 1):在这段中,我们需要明确表达我们的观点,同时简要介绍一下我们的论点结构。一个好的观点需要简洁明了、直接清晰,同时可以引起读者的兴趣,让读者愿意继续阅读下去。

第二、三段(paragraph 2&3):这两段需要介绍我们的观点的原因,即为什么我们持有这种观点。在这两段中,我们需要*具体的原因,并为这些原因*支持性的证据。同时,要注意避免在这两段中加入过多的细节,*持简洁明了。

第四、五段(paragraph 4&5):在这两段中,我们需要*具体的例子来支持我们的原因。这些例子可以是具体的事例、个人经历、引用的研究资料等。需要注意的是,这些例子需要与我们的原因和观点密切相关,同时要*证逻辑清晰、简洁明了。



1. 避免使用口语化的词汇。在雅思写作考试中,我们需要使用正式的、*性的语言,避免使用口语化的词汇和俚语。例如:don't(不要)、cool(酷)、stuff(东西)等等。

2. 使用句子简化。长句子可能会导致文章显得冗长,难以理解,因此我们需要使用简洁明了的短句子来表达我们的观点和论证。同时,要注意句子之间的连贯性,以*证文章的逻辑性。

3. 使用适当的连接词。适当的连接词可以帮助我们更好地表达观点和论证,同时使文章更加连贯。例如:however(然而)、moreover(此外)、in addition(另外)等等。



题目:Some people believe that it is important for children to learn art in school, while others think it is a waste of time. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

*段(paragraph 1):明确表达观点,同时介绍4-2-2的论点结构。

As education becomes increasingly important in today's society, the role of art education in schools has been hotly debated. While some people argue that art education is a waste of time and resources, others believe that it is an essential part of a well-rounded education. In this essay, both sides of the argument will be discussed and a personal opinion will be provided. The essay will be structured in a 4-2-2 format, with one paragraph introducing the position, two paragraphs discussing the reasons, and two paragraphs providing examples.

第二、三段(paragraph 2&3):介绍观点的原因。

On the one hand, those who argue that art education is a waste of time often cite the need to focus on more academic subjects such as math, science, and language. In their view, art education is a luxury that is not essential for a successful career. Moreover, resources that are allocated to art education could be better used for more practical purposes such as purchasing new textbooks, hiring more teachers, and building new classrooms.

On the other hand, supporters of art education argue that it is an essential part of a well-rounded education that can help students develop creativity, critical thinking skills, and emotional intelligence. By learning to appreciate different art forms, students are able to develop an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics that can enrich their lives. Additionally, research has shown that students who participate in art education perform better academically and are more likely to graduate from high school.

第四、五段(paragraph 4&5):*具体例子。

To illustrate, a study conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts found that students who participated in music education scored an average of 22 points higher on the SAT than those who did not. Furthermore, students who participate in art education are more likely to develop a sense of leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility, which are valuable skills that are essential for success in today's society. For example, students who participate in theater productions often learn how to collaborate with others and work towards a common goal, which can be applied to various aspects of their lives.







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