
2023-05-21 17:05:52 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


1. 给出事实或数据

开头*句话是写作的重点,需要能够引起*的注意和兴趣。因此,可以考虑从事实或数据入手,作为开头的*句话。例如,可以用以下句子作为开头:“Nowadays, more and more people are studying abroad, with the number of international students increasing by X% in the past decade.” 这句话强调了一个事实,引发了读者的兴趣,也为后续的写作*了一个方向。

接着,我们可以在第二句话中,进一步说明这个事实或数据的含义和影响。例如,“This trend has brought about many benefits, such as promoting cultural exchange and improving language proficiency. However, it also poses many challenges, including cultural shock and academic pressure.”

2. 引用名言或观点

如果能够引用一些有名的名言或观点作为开头,也会给文章增色不少。例如,“As the famous saying goes, ‘Travel broadens the mind.’ This is particularly true for those who study abroad, as they not only gain knowledge, but also broaden their horizons and experience different cultures.” 这样的开头引用了一个经典的名言,并将其与留学这个话题联系起来,为后续的写作铺平了道路。

在引用名言或观点的同时,还可以在第二句话中进一步说明这个名言或观点的含义和适用范围。例如,“This is particularly true for those who study abroad, as they not only gain knowledge, but also broaden their horizons and experience different cultures.” 这句话说明了这个名言在留学这个话题上的适用性。

3. 提出问题或引发讨论

如果能够给*提出一个有趣或有争议的问题,也会引发*的兴趣和阅读欲望。例如,“What are the pros and cons of studying abroad? Is it worth the investment in terms of time and money?” 这样的开头提出了一个有趣的问题,引发讨论和思考。

在提出问题的同时,也需要在第二句话中给出自己的答案或看法,以引导后续的写作。例如,“In my opinion, studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can broaden one’s horizons and improve language proficiency, it can also be costly and stressful.”

4. 引用个人经历或故事

如果在开头能够引用一个有趣或有感染力的个人经历或故事,也会引发*的兴趣和共鸣。例如,“When I first arrived in the UK to study, I was overwhelmed by the cultural differences and language barriers. However, over time, I learned to adapt and appreciate the beauty of this new culture.” 这样的开头引用了一个个人的经历,引发读者的共鸣和兴趣。

在引用个人经历或故事的同时,也需要在第二句话中进一步说明这个经历或故事的含义和启示。例如,“My experience taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability, as well as the value of stepping out of one’s comfort zone to explore new horizons.”

5. 提出观点或立场

如果能够在开头明确表达自己的观点或立场,也会引发*的兴趣和思考。例如,“In my opinion, studying abroad is one of the best ways to gain international exposure and improve one’s language proficiency.” 这样的开头明确表达了自己的观点,引发*的思考和讨论。

在明确表达观点或立场的同时,也需要在第二句话中进一步说明自己的理由和论据。例如,“Studies have shown that studying abroad can enhance one’s cross-cultural communication skills, as well as improve employability in a globalized world.”








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